Entry #1 -- Great effort - I think you are on the right track but a couple of comments: 1) All 3 words in the name of our org. should be emphasized - not just DeKalb. 2) I like where you are going with the book/bridge but can we make the book image more pronounced.
Your Entry #19 is my favorite of your designs but do you think you could tilt the book forward more so that it is not just a total side view of the bottom of the open book? Give it a little more perpective and show the pages of the open book. I like the semi-circle or arc on top though. Also, I would like to see it without the vertical line separating the text and the image. Also maybe try a version with a two color combination of green and blue.
Thanks for submitting all of the other designs but I thought they were a little flat or static and did not always call to mind a book.
I revisited #2 and thought it might be a contender with some tweaks: make all 3 words in the name the same size as noted above and for the "openings" in the side of the bridge railing, make them look more like books on a shelf viewed head on - maybe even tilt some at different angles.