deer dummyLogo Design Contest
Logo Design Contest
Contests / deer dummy
deer dummy has selected their winning logo design.
For $275 they received 142 designs
from 25 different designers from around the world.
Prefers others.
Logo Designer
I made the deer head and antlers the Y and since it has to do with field dressing, the camo would tie it in to hunting better. I appreciate any feedback.
(This comment references Entry #35)
(This comment references Entry #35)
15 years ago
would like to see a white tail deer horn only for the y, what would blaze orange for the letters with a black outline around the letters look like, and then the Y in deer color brown for the horns?
15 years ago
Logo Designer
So, you are saying that you just want the horn (brown), not the head, for a white tail deer and blaze orange with a black outline for lettering. I will work on that. thanks, #35 entry
15 years ago
Logo Designer
Here is the blaze orange with black outline lettering and the deer horn for the y in brown. Is this what you are looking for? This is a variation of the #35 I did. Thanks for letting me know what you are looking for.
(This comment references Entry #45)
(This comment references Entry #45)
15 years ago
#45 getting close, look at a white tail deer that has a antlers, they are brownish color, thicker horns, and have a y for the horns on 1 side
15 years ago
Logo Designer
Ok, this is what I think you were trying to say, that the y on the one side would be the y in the name? Is this more like it? I looked at the white tail deer pics and that is what I saw. I can keep tweaking it though.
(This comment references Entry #46)
(This comment references Entry #46)
15 years ago
Bingo, you move in to 1st place, now take the ihorns and bring in down farther underneath the logo, i like the orange color of the letters on 45 better
15 years ago
Logo Designer
Ok, here is the same color as #45 and I moved the y down under the lettering more.
(This comment references Entry #47)
(This comment references Entry #47)
15 years ago
see the orange color of the other logo's we would like a brighter orange please, great job
15 years ago
Logo Designer
I brightened the color of the font, do you want it like that or darker or lighter, or is this what you want?
(This comment references Entry #50)
(This comment references Entry #50)
15 years ago
what would it look like if you changed the y to the letter y and add deer horns to the label?
15 years ago
Logo Designer
Ok, I can try that, I was thinking of that myself, will send a few more versions. Thanks
15 years ago
Logo Designer
Here are a couple of others with antlers on the side, thanks for working with me.
(This comment references Entry #61)
(This comment references Entry #61)
15 years ago
Logo Designer
here is the other one of two.
(This comment references Entry #62)
(This comment references Entry #62)
15 years ago
love #62, great job I like the black back ground, could you show us what it would look like with the deer letter over the dummy, so the logo is shorter vs long, great job
15 years ago
Logo Designer
Here is a shorter version.
(This comment references Entry #74)
(This comment references Entry #74)
15 years ago
Logo Designer
This is shorter and with cross hairs on it. I tried the cross hairs in the d's but they didn't quite look right, too much going on with the lettering.
(This comment references Entry #75)
(This comment references Entry #75)
15 years ago
Logo Designer
Here is the .com added to it.
(This comment references Entry #81)
(This comment references Entry #81)
15 years ago
Logo Designer
15 years ago
Logo Designer
15 years ago
Logo Designer
This is with the deer and the .com white
(This comment references Entry #84)
(This comment references Entry #84)
15 years ago
Nice job, we feel we like the Logo #74, it is balanced , centered well, now is just a matter of getting the .com added somewhere, I thinking under the right deer horn, a smaller , white lettered .com would look good, the .com that are on #81,82,83,84, make it look to unbalanced, thanks for all the nice logo designs you have submitted
15 years ago
Logo Designer
Thank you for the suggestions, I really appreciate it and want to get you exactly what you want, here is the com under the right antler.
(This comment references Entry #88)
(This comment references Entry #88)
15 years ago
Logo Designer
No problem, here you go.
(This comment references Entry #89)
(This comment references Entry #89)
15 years ago
Logo Designer
Ok here is a knife on it, let me know if it is the right kind and if you like the placement. Thanks, I am standing by.
(This comment references Entry #130)
(This comment references Entry #130)
15 years ago
Logo Designer
another with the knife on top. Of course, we can change anything after the contest has ended also, to get exactly what you want. Thanks, Mischelle
(This comment references Entry #131)
(This comment references Entry #131)
15 years ago
Logo Designer
15 years ago
Logo Designer
I cannot submit anymore because I am ranked number 2 now at the last minute. Not sure if you meant to do that or knew that if I was number 2 I wouldn't be able to make changes and submit once the deadline hit, but I don't know how I would get you anymore designs.
15 years ago
Logo Designer
Jaymer what is the problem with comic sans? That is the look the customer liked from the beginning.
15 years ago
Logo Designer
comic sans is the name of the font used in my entry, in my opinion, it makes the title, "deer dummy" fit along the "dummy" look and feel.
15 years ago
so much for what he know's you are right, we will decide the winner tonight
15 years ago
Logo Designer
True, thanks I appreciate that. Hope to hear from you soon, Mischelle
15 years ago