Hi geco I like the simplicity. It's straight forward and not to 'arty'. How about Deep Reflections being on two lines, Reflections under Deep. And, how about Walking and Learning Together rather than Walk Together... keep the footprints too Best, Jim
Could you keep the feet where they are, but make it a right foot, then a left foot, then another right, so it looks like a person is walking away with the horse? Thanks alot :)
Hi, again. This is my favorite so far. Another idea about the footsteps. Horse and human foot prints should be left and right, same design but two feet for human tracks and four for horse tracks.. as if they were in the ground and then 3/4 of the way away stop the horse tracks and the human tracks continue.
Greetings! It may help to go to www.cartierequinelearningcenter.com because this is where I trained as a facilitator for Equine-Assisted Learning. My site is www.deepreflections.ca Thank you very much for your entry. I hope this helps. Jim Marland
Geco Hi, could you do one with "Walk, Talk & Learn" under Deep Reflections. Keep the hoof prints and the foot prints looking like they were made by a real horse / real person, i.e. in the right pattern. And the human prints going on a bit further than the horse prints. Looking forward to seeing this one. Make sure that the perspective is right, i.e they get smaller. Thanks, this is looking good. Jim
geco Thanks for the latest. Sorry about the number of changes. Next request: the text is very feint... it's hard to read. Plus, is is necessary to have it in a box that has grey fill? Jim
Hi Geco I've had some feedback from someone. I'll just copy it for you.
1. Can you ask the designer to try the bottom text (tag line) in a “sans serif” font (font without tails)? This is very important because the detailed nature of the serif font draws attention away from the name of the company. #27 is a good example of the type of contrast I am looking for. Right now the fonts are just too similar.
2. Can you ask what font he is using for the main name text?
3. I like the left and right foot version (as opposed to the right foot only – looks like the person is hopping)
4. I think I like the versions where there is a bit of a curve in the footprints, so perhaps you could ask him to have that option for the updated logo.
5. Can you get a version where he takes the tag line out of the grey box? You want the focus to be on the name and the image and the grey box pulls your eye in too many different directions. I think I like #46, but without the box.
6. The font weight (how heavy or light it is) is really important. It feels like on #45 the weight is too light and on #47 it is too heavy. I am a little worried that some of the versions read “DEE PREFLECTIONS” rather than “DEEP REFLECTIONS” so be careful of that in the final version. I think #46 is mostly alright for that.
7. RE: words getting mucked together, see how #13 made the “D” and the “R” a little bigger and added a bit of space? Something like that might add some clarity.
8. Are there three colours in here now? Blue, Green, and Grey? You will need to see a monochromatic version for when you are printing in black and white only. You will want to see a version of that before you give this the final go-ahead. Then you will know whether you will be able to print in black and white, or whether you will always need to print in colour.
9. Also, just to be aware that the more colours you have, the more expensive it will be for printing. It might be worthwhile asking whether the dark grey is a totally separate colour, or if it is a shade of the blue (a shade is where you add black to a colour, so this is theoretically possible – and his answer on this will make a difference to your printing costs).
10... Jim here, I've noticed that when I copy it onto Word, the text is very feint. I can hardly read it.
Before I choose any of your logos, these concerns have to be sorted out. So far so good. Thanks, Jim
Geco! We've nearly got it right. Please make the following changes.
Image: Use the image from #37. The horseshoes at the bottom are smaller than the ones above, this is wrong. They should get smaller as they get farther away. Make sure that the horse shoes are in a natural pattern.
Text: Deep Reflections should be serif text Walk Talk & Learn should be sans serif text Use the text from #56 for Walk Talk & Learn Use the text from #58 for Deep Reflections but Deep in green as in #18 Reflections in Grey as in #18 Walk Talk & Learn as in #56
Background: Please see the design by Crow 00 (#63) His background is white. Please copy this.
Please make two versions: one with Walk Talk & Learn under Deep Reflections one with Walk Talk & Learn under Reflections
Lastly, make sure that the text is clear. It's been hard to see up to now.
Hi When you look at the horse shoes, the ones on the left hand side are turning slightly to the right. That is a good thing. The ones on the right need to the same.
Hi I've experimented by putting it onto a business card. The text box (or whatever you call it) is quite a lot bigger than the actual logo. So, I can't get text very near the logo. Could you make the logo's box a bit smaller, so text can be near the logo? Thanks, Jim
Just an observation, the horse's steps are 7 and the human footsteps is 9. The horse have 4 legs and humans have 2. In application there should be twice as much step to the horse than that of the man.