For #11, could you try some other colors like red and/or green. We like 11 over 28 and 48 because you can easily see that it is a magnifying glass. Great idea though, thank you!
We very much like the magnifying glass. One request, on #69, could you make the words "Decision Analytics Group" in green bold so they stand out a bit more? Leave everything else the same.
While you are at it maybe somehow emphasize Decision Analytics and make less emphasis on the word Group too. Maybe with size difference or color differences? Not sure but we love your idea here!
Thanks very much. This one is definitely in the lead of all the others! On #80, could you do 2 more versions of #80 by 1-changing the color of "Group" to grey and leave "Decision Analytics" green (same as it is now in 80) and 2 - change the word 'Group" to grey AND change "Decision Analytics" to blue. Please leave everything else in 80 the same. It looks great. So 2 new versions of 80.