Really nice. Can I see both with white as a back ground. I am also always worried that it shows up in bla:who reproduction. I like the circle around the graphic. Sort of pulls it in. On my I-phone but will respond asap!
Can I see #130 with my name in black. And black around the circle but the interior of the graphic staying the pale yellow. Just a bunch of variations also with white background. Thx.
Just saw the font on a computer and not my iphone. Like the modernity, but don;t like the broken "R" Can I see the tag line in lower case. Please. Ugh. What a process......
I really like these. But I want to see if we can tweak #1 a bit and get it better. First of all the tag line is too small - no one can read it. The "star" ones are reminiscent of Native American shapes and not my style. The one I ranked 1st I rejected in the beginning because it looked too bamboo-like for me. Maybe if you make the weave smaller (less chunky) it might work. The square logo is too hard. I would also like to see it in different colorways, maybe different weave structures. By the way, we had a fantastic family holiday in County Clare last May!!
Thank you. Can I see the weave in that wonderful green you have used as a background. I like both sizes right now. Tagline still needs to be larger and bold. Maybe lower case? Finally can I see it with the circle graphic on the side, separated by a vertical line from my name. The circle would be smaller like your 154. We stayed at Spanish Point beach (!) and listen to amazing music everynight.
Another color would be the warm red in #235, and a blue..... I woudl like to not have to design by website but image using the logo on the top of my pages, where right now there is a busy pinkish patterned. I could use the pink in a solid and then the icon and logo up there. Of course, changing and unifying fonts throughout.
I took another look. Can I see the square one, #205 in smaller weave and various colorways. Also, my name in bold and the tagline larger and in bold. Can you try a line under my name, not sure why but the three elements seem to float a bit. Would also like to see this in a horizontal layout.
Thanks! Okay, new colors are muddy!!! You were right with the yellow one. I do like the line under the name. May I see #261 but with graphics like in 245 and 246 (yes they are two different ones) And then in the square shape, but with the graphic on the side not on top.
Also, 260, but with the line under my name and a yellow graphic. I like the font size of the tagline.
Problem is I could very easily use both these set ups (vertical and horizontal) for different purposes. Could I get both formats from you or is that illegal?
Can I try #282 ( it is a horizontal layout, but add a line under my name). this is in addition to the little side line. And is that font bold or not? If not, can we try my name bold. I think I have a winner here. I so appreciate you tweaking..... Deborah
Ugh. That bold is really bold. It loses the elegance and modernity. If the type in #282 (ranked 1st place right now) is actually in bold then just put a line under my name and we've got it. As far as the one I have ranked #2, I'd say all we have to do is make that tagline bolder, put the line under my name and I've got my other format. Thank you.