I love this design. It says real estate. It says land and waterfront homes and it says South Florida. Is there an aqua that is a little darker. I would just like to see it. I like the green! You really captured what I was looking for.
Make Deborah Ann (Smaller) and Clifford larger and PA (small) I want to emphasize clifford. My business name is Deborah Ann Clifford, P.A. but everyone calls me Debbie.
#105 I like how you changed it. How would it look without my initials. And with clifford in the middle. I want a brand that works for Clifford. I have two websites ShorelandHomesMiami.com and CliffordFloridaHomes.
Hi Chade. I liked two or three of your designs as you can see from the rankings. I had to choose three designers. You were first. Thank you for making so many changes. This is my first time doing this. Feel free to change the font so that I can see how it looks! I have already chosen #110 as the winning logo. I like what it represents, land based and waterfront homes in Miami. Good job! Please do not do this for anyone else. I want my logo to be unique. How do you think it would look with a warm brown and the aqua instead of green. Could you add that for me in case that I decide to use that (if that is allowed) since the competition is closed. You said that I will get everything that you designed for me. Thank you so much. This has been a lot of fun.
I like the color of #130. How do you like the fonts? I do not understand why they keep telling me that I have 5 days left. I have already selected YOU as my first place winner and I am anxious to get you paid and download my designs so that I can get business cards and stationary made. What happens next?