We love your design, thanks so much for taking the time. The only negative we have is that we don't like the colours used. We have seen some other logos that are using orange for 'deal' and blue for 'build'. It would be interesting to see what your logo would look like with these colours incorporated.
Also any other colours you see fit but not red and black.
Thanks again for your designs. At present it is between you and one other. We really like yours but my buisness partner said that shes doesnt like such a thick font. I tend to disagree but if you dont mind I would be interested to see how it looks.
I have seen other designs that I really like that had a thinner font for 'deal' and a thicker font for 'build'.
Finally, consdering the above comment, can you use the same font for 'build' as you have already but make it slightly thinner for 'deal'.