I thought maybe incorporating the Capital as a lotus flower might make the logo rather unique. I also chose the Warrior II pose, since I felt is represented both yoga and also add a sense of movement. I just envisioned this as a pose which would be easy to do go from yoga to hiking - hope that made sense. :)
I also added the two swooshes to represent both movement and paths.
Anyway, feel free to make any suggestion you may want to see colors, fonts, layout... you name it.
Hi Marcelo, Thank you so much for submitting. I really like your use of W2 pose. I like the simple "Yoga" in #29 best and prefer the greens to the brown. Although it is central to the design I'm not sure if the lotus flower is necessary or the right natural element. I wonder if it could be simplified or replaced? I'd like to see "Hikes" a little more prominently since I refer to the sessions as "Yoga Hikes" almost as if it was one word.
I tried to make the figure somewhat ambiguous, but do you have preference. Would you prefer more masculine or more female? (maybe more or less musculature?) Any suggestion you may like to see would be appreciated.
These are great, I especially like #70. I think ambiguous is good, but I wouldn't mind seeing a female option and another color theme (green, grey, blue). I will definitely be back online and do more ranking tomorrow.
Oh, I also really like #37, but unfortunately a studio where I work uses a silhouette too similar to this tree pose and that could be problematic. Could you do tree pose with the arms extended (almost like a "V" shape).