Hello, Thank you for submitting your design. I like how you overlapped the yogi silhouette over the capital building. However, a standing yoga pose would be better since we do few sitting poses on yoga hikes. I'd like to have a less cursive font, something more contemporary, clean, sporty. A bolder stronger color would also be more appealing (maybe words in black).
I like this concept. If you could simplify the design and make it less ornate that would be great. Removing the snowglobe and just having a basic circle would be better, and change the main design color to a dark stone grey perhaps DC could be in a grass green.
Hello! #12 is the strongest of these. Can you make a more accurate solid silhouette of the capitol building and remove the semi-circle? I'm looking for cleaner lines. Also, can the human silhouette have his arms extended, but with hands over his head in prayer position so that it doesn't look as much like an award statue?
The words Yoga Hike could both be dark grey (same color) while DC could be green. The DC could remain at the end or at the end, but vertical.