Thank you for your submissions! Your designs and use of color are very nice. I like the colors, layers, and think that the theme is best captured in #25. However, I like the font style in #22 the best because it's not as ornate. Can you make the size of Yoga and Hikes equal? It's okay to minimize the DC. One thing is that these logos represent more of a meditative yoga practice and this program is an active, moving, outdoor yoga practice where we hike from location to location and practice yoga in between. I think balancing or standing poses like tadasana, warrior 2, or tree pose, might be better, unless you can contrast the serenity of the seated pose with stronger elements/sense of Washington, DC and the the outdoors? I'm not sure the use of the Capitol building is best in these designs as the dome next to this figure looks like perhaps a more ancient palace and less like the US Capitol.