I like the direction that you're moving in - #9 is much cleaner and more appealing than #7. I hope that you keep working this further. A couple of comments:
I really like the scale that you're working with in the design. I love how the vine dwarfs the monument. That said, something about the vine part itself isn't quite working for me. I like the leaves, and the top of the vine works better, but the base feels wrong somehow (maybe because it doesn't seem to join with itself at the bend?). I also feel that the light color in the vine there doesn't quite mesh with the rest of the vine.
I'm not sure about the sun spot in the big leaf, either. Feels a little off to me, stylistically.
I'd also like to see some different fonts for the text. Not positive about these, but can't quite put my finger on why (sorry!). #9 is definitely better than #7 in this respect, though. Just doesn't quite feel fresh to me.
Thanks! I'm really glad that you're continuing to work this image.
I prefer the font that you're using in #12, but the placement of the vine feels off. I worry that the monument is so obscured that you can't tell what it is anymore.
Can you try the font in all lowercase?
Can you try creating a thinner vine? It feels a bit too bulky to me. I'd suggest working with and thinning out the vine in #9 as opposed to #12, because there are a number of things I prefer there: 1) I like the asymmetrical placement of the leaves in #9 better than the symmetrical that you tried in #12. 2) I prefer the darker green color of the vine (overall) in #9. (the light green in the font in #12 is nice, though) 3) As I mentioned above, the placement of the vine feels better in #9.
Last comment (for now!): I'd like to see what happens if - using #9 as a template- you removed the final squiggle at the top, and replaced the top leaves on the vine section currently below it.
This is getting closer. I prefer the green shade in the text from #12. Can you use that in #14? Or did it clash with the vine green you chose? It would be ok with me if the vine shade were a bit darker, too, to work better with the color green that I'm requesting from #12.
I still wish that the lowest curl of the vine really felt like it wrapped around. Right now it bubbles out and feels suspended in space. Does that make sense? Sorry I'm having a hard time describing that better. Just needs to join more carefully to the monument so that it really looks like it's curling around.
Two other little comments: 1) it would be good if the font were also slightly thinner. 2) I like how the text sits in relation to the monument in # 16 (off center a bit so that the 'd' rests higher and the whole text is closer to the image. Could you try that again in the next version? Thanks!
I have amended the vine, colors and font as per your instructions. no matter what is turning this desain into, and as your instructions in the public comment, still have to adjust the proportion of words, and to keep this design is not seen made by the children but still has an aura of excitement the kids, not only consists of lines and colors.
thanks for ranked, have a good weekend (US Time) and let me know of any changes required.
This is really looking good. I still have some comments (using #27 as the template):
- can you shift the words over (more like #16, #28, #29)? Please use all lowercase on the words. - can you make 'dc' a slightly darker grey? - I like the two tendrils in #29 (not the part at the very top - I like the two very thin ones). Can you add those? I'd like to see how they look on #27. - I love the new placement of the vine in #27, especially the top part. - One of the problems that I'm having with this design is that the leaves don't feel quite balanced to me (I like asymmetrical, but I mean graphically balanced). That is one of the things that I like about the design that is in second place right now. I'm not sure what the best way is to fix that... can you try adding a few more leaves? Or creating leaf clusters? Maybe it is the individual leaves that is the problem (pairs of leaves seem to feel better to me...). Sorry I can't be more specific about that - just a feeling, and I'm not a graphic designer!
Very nice instructions from your latest feedback, both the tendrils and leaves provide enough additional energy in monument without seem as a vine that grows wild.
Text and font in #30 is perfect. Did you add a shadow to the monument? I like it better more simple. I miss the big green single leaf that was on the left side. Can you bring it back? I don't really like the color of the pea green leaves. Can you adjust it? Or use the dark green more? This is a tiny comment, but the angle of the lowest tendril is bothering me a bit. Can you adjust it so that it's slightly more angled up? (not quite so horizontal...).
You are doing great work! Thank you for being so responsive to my comments!
I really like the new tendrils. I think I miscommunicated about the shadow, though. I would rather have no shadow at all anywhere on the monument (sorry for all the work you put in!). Please take out the ground shadow and the vine shadow on the monument. There's also an architectural shadow on the base of the monument that I would like removed. The shadows make it too busy and detailed, I think, and takes it away from the appealing "child-like" quality that I like so much! The simple monument in #27 is the one I like the best.
I am liking the new vine and leaf layout in #33. I like including the dark green in the leaves, but now I miss the light green (not the yellowy green, but the fresh light green). Can a few of the leaves be a lighter shade?
I want to show this to a colleague. May have more comments later, but these are a good start. Thank you!
and I'm really sorry about shadow, my bad, I didn't read your comment with carefully, *because there is a little spectator who busy with my sketchbook :)
hardly wait to hear what your colleague about this, hopefully a good result, and this link for "slightly bigger" image for review.
Ok. I've talked it over with my colleague, and here are some more comments.
We both feel that this has come such a long way, and really like all your changes. That said, here are some more changes:
- Can you try putting the cluster with the big leaf down at the base of the monument (where the two little leaves are now)? That big leaf is beautiful and draws the eye. We'd like to see it closer to our name. Plus, the light green little leaf will look nice near the green in 'greens.' - My friend thinks that the proportions of the monument are a little off. She says that it looks a little too short and fat. Can you thin and lengthen it a little bit? I don't know which side you should lengthen. You might have to play with that. - My friend is also very convinced that the vine needs to get thinner as it gets towards the top. She feels like it ends too abruptly, and should become thinner as it grows. - We haven't discussed the "ground." I don't really like the color of it at the moment. Not sure if it should be grey or a dark green. I'd like to see some options there. - Can I see the 'dc' in the text be a shade darker grey?
wow, great, some parts I've previously made, if you request it and proved correct. :D
1. to make thinner and lengthen for the monument, >DONE. 2. making the tip and tapering to vine at the end, >DONE. 3. small and big leaves re-clustering >DONE. any idea? 4. determine the color of the ground, >DONE. now green 5. making the "DC" to be a bit dark. >DONE. enough?
I need to show to my colleague (I'm sure she'll be happy with many of the changes). One thing that is bothering me in this design (#36) is that the two middle clusters of leaves seem too symmetrical. They look the same on each side. Can they be made more asymmetrical? Maybe different sizes? Or angling different ways?
OK. I've been staring at this design all morning (#36), and I think I figured out what feels wrong to me.
The extra vine wrap in the middle of the monument is making the design feel too busy to me. I like how #35 only has one wrap. Visually it seems cleaner that way. If we remove one wrap, I think it will fix the problem that I mentioned in the last comment too (about the symmetrical leaves).
I really like the top of the vine in #36, though (I like how it's reaching beyond the monument), so I don't want to lose that. Maybe the angle of the vine in the middle needs to be changed so that the vine can make it all the way up with one wrap?
I hope I'm being clear! I'm really eager to see the next version.
I think what you say is true, the complexity will only make this logo is more look serious than what would be done by this logo, and I would like to create a logo that can be understood by those who only glanced at it.
and I've uploade new version of single vine wrap. Thanks!
I feel like we're getting further away from the goal, but that we're so close to getting it right!
I'd like to return to the vine placement in #35. That felt more simple and clean. I like the big leaf being at the base (like in #36 and #49), but would like you to move it up slightly (feels too close to the lettering now). If you keep the thinning vine and the thinner monument from #36 and #49, and integrate it with the vine placement in #35, I think we're going to be almost done. It may be ok to keep the monument height from #35, and just make it thinner. That might make it easier to place the vine... The font and "ground" look great in #36 and #49.
#35 with thinner monument and vine. in fact 35 is the best when you consider a simple example, while 36 is more revealing of greatness, power and strength, really good news in the marketing and business, but not necessarily good for the activities of the organization that require a specific profile in the community, but all the concepts in this contest is yours and every time you need it of course all well preserved, and I think only you who understands what is best for this organization and what is conveyed through a logo is the main thing of all.
Somehow I feel guilty with a complete design #36 :( , I really appreciate that you took so much time in contest. you are very polite, and have great feedback to all designers in your contest. Please feel free to ask me anytime if there is a conceptual change do I am willing to do so.
OK - I like design #52. Some changes: -Please make the leaves darker. Not necessarily all of them, but definitely the cluster on the left middle side. I like the leaf color in #35 better. - Can you make the vine even thinner at the top? - I think I like the break in the "ground," but maybe you could make the gap slightly bigger? That way it will look more intentional. (I may be wrong about this, but I'd like to see it...) - In #52, the top tendril thing is merging a bit with the top leaf. Can you reposition it so that it's more like the one in #35?
Thank you! I have to go to sleep - I hope to see a new draft when you get the chance!
- Please make the leaves in the left middle a darker shade (they look the same as #52). The one I wanted darker was really the bigger one in that pair. - Can you make the "big leaf" at the bottom a tiny bit smaller? I think this will help with balance. - I like the angle of the vine in #64 (the angle of the part going up the middle). It feels a bit more graceful than the angle in #62. Is it possible to change the angle of the vine in #62 so that it's more like that? (note: I like the top of #62 better than #64 - I'm just talking about the angle of the climbing vine in the middle)
Thanks! (no reason to feel "guilty" about #36! It's been great working with you!)
Hi there - quick question for you: There is some debate here about the exact shade of green for "greens" and the lowest little leaf. It's showing up differently on different computers.
I don't know how this competition works at the end since I've never done it before, but if we keep it like it is, and it turns out that the shade needs a (very slight) adjustment, can that be done after the contest closes?
Thanks! I like how it's showing up on my computer, but I'm worried that my colors may be off...
of course, the designer has full responsibility for the design, including color adjust in accordance with the needs of clients and printing color specifications, it can be done and permitted via email if the contest has officially ended.
Hi - sorry for the late request! Would it be possible to see a small adjustment in the text? The "d" and the "g" are looking too long to us in the oval/circle part. Can you try using the font from #14, but making it the thinness and color of #68?
Ok! You are definitely our winner! We love your design. Now we just have to fine-tune this font issue.
#83 is our favorite (even though it's ranked 2 right now). Can you keep the font from #83, but make it the thinness of the font in #68? We like the shape of the letters in #83, but the thickness/thinness of #68.
Thank you so much! You've been great to work with!