Color Preferences
Grey, White or Black but could have hints or accents of Blue, Green, Purple or Red
Our Ideas & Additional Information
I definitely want "Davina" to stand out/be featured (since it's my actual name) and "Group" to be smaller, maybe at the bottom or faded in the background?) along with "Real Estate" and I want people too feel confidence but also warmth when they relate to my logo as well as a "personalized" touch. You could also design a "D" that stands out, cursive or handwriting style, or like an heirloom (or crest?), possibly in a different color or texture. Maybe something architectural could be interesting too, since is real estate, like a lines of modern type of house to create the "D" or "Davina"? A signature type of look. Or it could be something completely different. I'm open to your great ideas!