Entry # 6 - Not to be total egomanic about it, but if you're going to reference a musical instrument in the logo, since I am a keyboard/piano player myself (and leader) of the band, I guess I would prefer something keyboard/piano related. I know piano has long sat on the bench in terms of the game of rock cooldom, but it's too late to change my instrument...I'll change the world's perception of piano players instead! Also, just so you know, the font (or at least the layout of the font )seems like it might be dangerously close to being hard to read especially from a distance. I'll get a 2nd opinion on that b/c I'm a little nearsighted, but that's how it seems to me.
Tapelogo414 - ok here's my feeling--- in my opinion, the coolest design you've submitted was the guitar pick (#6 , although as I mentioned there was an issue with the legibility there), and unfortunately I just can't use it b/c I'm not a guitarist...(if I were it would certainly be toward the top of my list). The keyboard logos ( #8, #18, #19) are nice and well designed, but not really capturing anything unique about the band of the music...they're just seem a bit generic to me. Hope this helps
#27 --Well I am trying to get a logo right now as opposed to album artwork...but I like the idea for a t-shirt or album cover.design The font is nice although the 'D' of david and "E' of Easton are a bit smooshed together. Also, just so you know...The J-Krew is actually my old band...I have a different band now.
#34 -- this is a really cool looking design...although looking at it, it seems more suggestive of a film production logo or a photographer or something rather than a band...I'm not sure i can use it, but you should really hold onto this design for an entry in that genre. Very nice!
One thought...I'm not sure I would not overlay the text on the white part...especially "band" is hard to read
I think I like the more vibrant colors as the main colors...orange, red etc.
Your latest ( #42 ) is nice and clean , but doesn't really capture anything unique or exciting. It doesn't make me think "I have to check out this band" -- It makes me think maybe something like " Oh this is a good professional band " ....it's not bad, just not dynamic enough. I'm sorry I'm not able to to give you more specific feedback than that.