Hello -- thank you for the design submissions! I see what you were trying to do with the text design, but I don't think it's what I'm looking for. The illustration in closer, although another artist did a similar one that I liked a little better (although I do like your use of brush stroke style). Here's a comment I made to another designer that I think captures what I want all the designers to know: "The logo doesn't necessarily need to emphasize my name or initials as much as be a recognizable image. I don't want to go in too many nickname directions, but there are a lot of people who just call me "the T'ai Chi guy." Seriously, I get it on the street -- "Hey you're the T'ai Chi guy aren't you?" I want a logo that people will look at and immediately go hey that's the T'ai Chi guy -- America's Ta'i Chi Champion." Also, I want people to look at it and say this is the logo of the FUTURE, with roots in the past.
Hope all that made sense. I look forward to another version.