#6 I like the elegant simplicity of the logo and the abstract open book. However, the book looks like a mustache or toupee. Also the font is a bit boring. We also don't need the TM on the logo. Please submit more ideas!
#42 I like the font and the slight slant to it. I'm not sure about the books/pages- because of the straight edges and angles, they almost convey buildings or a skyline.
#6 Would you please consider submitting a similar design with the text above the book, and perhaps adding a couple of additional 'pages' to the book? I think this has potential, but I'd like help with the visual to see it adjusted. Thank you.
#134, #135, and #137 Thank you for your additional submissions. These all have solid selections for font; the book design in #137 is interesting.
#145, #146, and #147 These seem more traditional in design than your other submissions, and we like the logos that are more modern and slightly whimsical in nature.
#176 Thank you for your additional entry. We have decided not to consider this one because of the 'pixelated' book. My feeling is this approach is overused in marketing technology in the U.S. I do, however, like the font choice and the reflection in the design- those were very good. Also- just a note, the entries that have been most appealing to us are those that have incorporated bright colors in them.
#191 As with #42, I'm not sure about the books/pages because of the straight edges and angles.
#189 & #190 are not being considered due to placement of the icon above the text and concerns with negative space in the logo. Also the concepts are too generic for our brand.