I like your chicken the best and I like the hair coming forward over the glasses. But I';m not 100% happy with it. I think the small spike on the back of the head should be going backwards and one strand coming forwrad over the eyes.
maybe we could try going back to the original and and only having the back two spike on his head turning backwards?
i actually like #5 the nicest because it is simpler. but the name is going to change to Patriçiõ's, so I we will have to see how to fit it in.
I would also like to see the blck swish to flip[ around the vertical centre axis like there is in the #6, but without the top left part of the swish. maybe just a little coming out the top of his head but mainly the swish being bottom right (thick) to bottom left (thin)
Guys, I like the chicken to have a neck and not to just sort of fade out. I like #9 for this but prefer the neck in #2 and #1. I would like to work that into the chicken in #5-7. Th idea is that when I use just the chicken without the text, then I can have a finite sketch and not something that just fades off.
I would love for you to add a neck to the chicken to "close it off" even if the left side of it is cut off by the text or the rest of the logo, i would like to have something for use when I use the chicken image alone.
can we try one with putting #16 into #14 with the the backwards hair like in #15 and with the neck as well.
I am really like the picture and the chicken is very cool.
Just need to work on the font - its not ideal.
in #14, i would also like to extend the black swish behind the head in the tope left - just a little tip, very thin, coming out so it looks like it is going around his head.
we need to do some experimenting. your designs are my favourite but Im not happy about the text. look at juanm's texts
lets also work on the chicken and see if we can make some changes. its good but not perfect. want him to be more like a real chciken and less cartoony if that makes sense but still animated.
I am feeling the chicken looks too much like its a fast-food chicken place like KFC. need to make some changes to make him more of a mascot type person.
play with colours, surf boards etc and see if we can give him a body?
could we try make the board a different colour? is that possible? like maybe the light orange colour used for some of the text, and then keep the text black, and use the same orange, or maybe a red to ornage fade for the Cio'? the way you did the colours of the cio' in the #67 is exaclty what i wanted.
I want to play around with the chicken now - could we make him thinnner? or give him shorts for #65?
can we try with the cio part in white rather? solid white, no outline
also, i would like to see the picture with the chicken as in #65 with the blue shorts. Can we make them like a sarong? sort of like a skirt on him? thats what it looks like in number #70 although would look better is you could see the shorts co,ming through under the 'tri' text
i want to see #78 wihtout the text to see what the sarong looks like
i really like #78 and #80
with #80 could you try make the black from the squiggle under the 'ç' joing the swish, and the black from the " ' " before the " s " also join the swish to give a sort of line through the middle?
do you understand that?
please experiment with different colours and sizes according to what you feel
ok. this is a little confuse to me. but i'll try do it. #81 wihtout the text #82 orange surfboard and adding black line underneath. #83 blue surfboard and adding black line underneath. #84 same as #83 color reverse on text.