I really like where this is going... can we add a necktie (or at least the knot and part of a tie) and a pocket square? These could be in color? Perhaps a red tie, and a red and black polka-dot pocket square?
I like it better without the collar... can we try adding a pocket square to #122 also? Could that work? Ideally the pocket square does NOT match identically in color... if the tie is red, pocket square should be red and black or red and white or red and blue.
Actually, it is 143 that is closest... perhaps make the pocket square just a touch larger, and add red dots or some kind of design? I don't want to disrupt how clean this logo is, but I'd like to see a little pop of color on that pocket square. THANKS!
could you put the pocket square on #122? We are debating whether the squared tie vs. the collar cutting out the tie... and feel free to make the pocket a little larger/poofier so the polka dots stand out.
I did a survey and the feed back I received about design was great. The only thing that i kept hearing was that the pocket square looked weird or like a cloud. Can we do something like #124's pocket square but feel free to play with it a bit. Also, can we see it with polka dots and plaid. Thank you
These are on the right track! I just thought of a cool idea. Is their anyway to incorporate my initials in to the pocket square? Use your artistic creativity and try it out. Just an idea. Thank you.
I agree on the DK initials being to small to read. I really like 163 and 166. could you add some very discrete traces of stubble to the bald head. I'm just curious to what it would look like. Thank you for your time, we are very close to being finished.
It appears that #163 is the best received so far. One final tweak would be to try it with a more "squared off" pocket square... it would still have the "ragged right side" where the black and red do not sit neatly on top of each other, but on the left side, closest to the necktie, it would be pulled up and "neatly folded". Does that make sense?
We are very close, thank you for your continued help.
We like the pocket square of #169, but is it possible to make it a little bit wider (and keep the same height)?
Also, can we see a version of #169 that adds ears? Not sure if this will work or not, but something that came up in the surveying and that we'd like to see.
Can we also slightly close the distance between the bottom of the glasses and my name?
Thank you! We are VERY close to being done, I really appreciate all you've done!!
I will be selecting you as the winner today but I want to confirm that I will receive the files in PSD layered format as well. Please let me know. You can contact one of my marketing guys. Email him the PSD file, justin@nocuffs.com
Of course, i'll send you the right format :) But i can't send any file by email before the contest is over... I could be banned from LogoTournament for that... sorry. Please, don't worry, as soon as you close the contest, i'll send you every formats or variations you need. All i want is to make you happy with my work! Satto.
Hi Darren, I just uploaded the final files. Please don't forget to approve them, then i'll be able to send you the variations by email. Thanks! (I love this logo). Good day, sun shine, Satto.