Thanks for submitting. #14 is unique and quite frankly surprised me in a positive way as it does not follow the guidelines I set in that I was hoping for a full knight on a full bull's body. That being said, I like it.
I don't care too much for the bull's hooves below the first two letters, but I do like the tail! IS the "i" in Fiore a sword?
What about matching the textual color of "Fiore" to the brown in the left hand side of the crest? And for accuracy sake, maybe invert the colors in the crest so that the bull is (more naturally) brown on rad and the knight is red (or maybe navy?) on brown? Your thoughts?
Entry #45- Would you please remove the legs underneath the "Da"? Also, can you add a shield to the emblem and also add detail and definition to the two characters (knight and bull)? I'd also like to see a variation where the Knight is silver on the black or brown bull.
Here's another crazy thought- From the other submission, you see I asked the designers to add a DF monogram to the shield. Instead of that for your design, I noticed that the position of the bull's head and horn forms a subtle"F", as in "Fiore". I think it might be cool to subtly have the "D" in there as well (for Dante), perhaps by the shape of the shield or using the bull's tail? Cool idea? This way, the emblem could stand alone without the text if I wanted.
One more suggestion on subtly incorporating the "D" intA the emblem. The bull's head is kind of in a "D" shape already, don't you think? Any way to subtly reshape or add detail to make the "D" slightly more apparent?
Dear Sir, revision Uploaded, I've tried to incorporate D with head like your suggestion, but it not work so i get idea to make it with bull ear, that worked, it look like D and F That entry # 71 with silver knight, #70 all black
#70 is better as far as the text is concerned. Thank you.
I still think we can improve on the "D" and the "F" in the emblem though. Scrap the "D" on the bull's head and see if you can add a shield to the knight in the shape of a capital "D". And see if you can enhance the bull's horns where they connect to his head to make an "F", please.
Dear Sir, revision Uploaded, I seem to slightly change the shape of the hand to fit the shield, you can see at the logo #73, #74. maybe seen to work and I received further input from you.
Dear Sir, difficult for me to put on a human shield position, I do not want later disputed by other designers (jekson) because of the similarity. but due to your request I have to do it, but with a different shape as seen at #97,#98