Nice designs, both of them. I'd like to request a few revisions-
1st- Please make the shield more prominent.. 2nd- I'd like to see the knight a different color than the bull in each rendering- perhaps silver knight in #30 and a red knight in #29? 3rd- I'd like to see a rendering with a white background as well as black and red.
1- I prefer the font used in #31, #34, and #35 the best. Lets stay with that for future revisions. 2- I do prefer the knight in a different color than the bull in all illustrations. I see the knight in black, gold, and silver depending on the background color. 3- Can we stick with black, gold and silver as one color scheme? Like this: Background-Knight-Bull-Text White-silver-black- silver gold- silver- black- silver black- silver- gold- silver silver- black- gold- black
And can you add a "DF" acronym either to the knight's shield and/or the rear hip of the bull, like he has been branded?
I a not satisfied to make a fnal decision yet so I am extending the judging period for this contest. I am asking you to resubmit #57 with a few changes-
1- Please remove the letters "DF" from the bull's hindquarters altogether. 2- Please redesign the shield so that it loosely looks like a capital letter "D", as in Dante. Also, please enhance the bull's horns so that they loosely look like an "F". I'm trying to subtly embed the initials of the brand into the logo, "D" and "F". 3- Please submit the design on a white background as well as a black one.
#78- I think the bull should be black and the knight and text should both be in gold (on the white background). #86- Can we do gold color for knights, crown and text please? #85- same premise- knights and text in gold, bulls in black please?
(the silver is getting washed out on white backgrounds).
#90 is the best so far. Thank you. Will you please make the shield a little smaller so we can see more of the knight please? Also, can you make the "D" in the text more like the "D" in the shield and the "F" in Fiore like the bull's horns? Id like to see if they match?
Sorry I should be more specific. On the white background, can we make all four entries with the bull in black, and in #116 & #117 the "Fiore" in black as well please?
Congratulations on being the winner. I would've ranked you as all top three but the system seems to fron on that.
I wolds ask that when you send me downloadable files that they be eps and jpeg. I also ask that you send all 10 versions that I ranked as they only differences are color scheme and white or black background.
My personal email is if that is easier.
Thank you again for all of your work. I have one final contest running right now if you would like to make a submission. Look up "Clarity Actiivation Partners" if you are so inclined.