#56. i think this is my design. please try a few more iterations. i like the use of lower case. i don't like the Danforth over Advisors, so you have the right. Let's see what else we can do! the logo is great.
#158 and others. I'm sorry. the D and the A should be capitalized; everything else lower case. Try centering a small black box between Experience and Execution; Execution and Results.
#156. We are definitely settling in on this. Please try a few more fonts and some different blues--a little richer, more distinctive, but not too bright or light. I think the font could definitely be a little more interesting.
#156. We're going without the Tag line for now. In this one, the words Danforth Advisors look small and weak, compared to the logo. Make the name more prominent.
#177, 179. Let's focus on these two. Let's try both without slogans, with and without lines between the logo and name. If you would, try a few different fonts and variations to the blues and blacks.