#43 is interesting. Can you capitalize DANCE and make Book a little bit cursive. Also can you please try "dancebook" in all lower case.
I like the word dance and book in different colors. Thats really cool. I like the style of the little people you have used. Do you think you could make them a bit more like the TM people in their position. So keep the style you have designed, but change the people position?
Wow, your designs are really impressive. I need to consult with my partner about which style we like best, but you will definitely be a finalist. Thank you very much.
We have decided to select you as our winning designer, but we are a bit stuck as to exactly which design because you have done so many that are really good.
Can I ask you to do one thing for us. We love your little dancing people, they are awesome. And we love all the different positions you have them in. Can you try to make them into the same dance pose as the original TM that we have uploaded. We understand this would make it a bit difficult to place the little book icon, but even if that dissapears we would like to see how your little people look in that pose.
Thanks very much, and congratulations on your excellent designs.
Sorry about the delay, I have been busy with urgent business.
We have selected you as our winner, but we were wondering if you could give us a couple of the variations you have already designed seeing how you probably already designed them. Would you be ok with this?
We have selected you officially as our winner now.
We really like the variations on the design you did and would like to use them all on our website. #83 will be the main logo, but we would really like to use the following ones as well because the little people are in different positions, and the idea about dancebook is that it has many different dances in it.
would you be willing to give us the EPS files for these variations you already created?
#49, #50, #52, #55, #78, #81.
Many Thanks, and sorry for the delay with awarding the placement.
Loved your work on our DanceBook logo. Have run into some Trade Mark issues with the name in the usa though. so we would like you do do a version of the logo exactly the same, except the word DANCEBook will become dance guide thats "DANCEguide".
Can you give me a price to redo the logos as DANCEguide