Thanks for your designs. I see you picked up on the do-something-with-the-font note I just gave with #11? :-) What is your idea about the L? It has no special meaning to me or the brand. The swooshy thingies on the D and A feel a little bit random. For instance: the logo of has a far more powerful feel to it. Not saying I want an exact copy of this logo, but if you want to go this way: make it unique and powerful for the brand Dabbawalla.
Thanks a bunch for your designs. I do feel that they are not capturing the vibe I want for Dabbawalla. If you want to try some more, check out the top 10 for inspiration. If not, I thank you sincerely for all your time and effort :-)
Sorry for not responding in words lately, I'm back with updates. If you want to see some changes (colors, fonts, shapes variation), please feel free to ask for them.
Much better :-) #169 is more what I like. If you wanna work on it some more for your ranking, loose the coffee. I only serve food :-) And could you make it a little more sophisticated? It's for a rich audience.