is there anyway you can add in the D some where don in the a put abner and in the t put tabor.. i would just like to see what it would look like. if possible.
We just wanted to see some other looks. And try to keep it as a origenal as possible. Y'all have some good ideas I'm just curious what it would look like in 3d to bring it out a little more.
on #23 can you change the back ground to green. put a star after the T like they have after the d and a, also do the sauce like orginal SaUcE PUT sauce in RED
i want to see what it would look like with out the peppers.put Don. abner.Tabor as i did here on of the dat. make the a little bit of hot with a whole lot of taste bigger to take up space. do the don abner tabor in red if you do it in each drawing. 52, 7, 23,16 thank you so much
in drawing #52 instead of printing Don abner Tabor. write don abner tabor in a autograph signature. in black. in a straight line..put the sauce in white.