I like the colors, font, shape and boldness in these. I'd like the design to be a little more unique and representative of what we do though. Incorporating the entire crankshaft design of the logo we're currently using would bring this logo a step closer.
Very nice Medi. Hard to decide between #9 & #10. I do like the oval background in #10 but something about the blue fill color is wrong by my eye. Maybe tone that down or use something closer to a grey/charcoal/black? Also, the three blue holes in the crankshaft could be black or some other color that doesn't draw your eye to them. And the font (again, on #9 & #10) is just a bit too cartoonish. #8 is probably closer to the font I prefer.
Thanks, definitely a move in the right direction! Dan
I like these a lot Medi, thanks for the quick update. Is it possible to make the crankshaft a little bolder? The middle of it (the counterweight portion) looks a little delicate when compared to the rest of the logo. Could I also see the piston rings in black vs. their current grey? And could I see a version of #13 without the "LLC" portion of "Cycle Works LLC"? I think I like it there stylistically but I'm curious what the logo would look like with it gone.
Mr. Dan, Update: bye bye "LLC" : #16 #17 also please check update in the middle of crankshaft, i made some changes to make it bolder, is that the requested?
Yeah, I think that's better without the "LLC". Yes, that's kind of what I'm looking for in the crankshaft but maybe just very slightly less stylized, a little more "blocky". And could I see the piston rings in black? A couple of nitpicky details: The middle of the the crankshaft has three holes that line up vertically. The center and bottom holes look correct proportionally. The top hole should be smaller though, maybe about the size as the existing hole in either piston? And the holes in the pistons should larger - about the same size as the bottom crankshaft hole.
Excellent Medi, that almost perfect (#18). All of the changes are for the better. Could I get you to put the shadows back in the top and bottom crankshaft holes (so they resemble the holes in the pistons). I like that detail. Also, the rear counterweight (left hand corner of the crankshaft) looks a little less rounded than the front one. Can you make them match? And can you remove the bottom ring from each piston so that there are only three present? The current location of the top three rings is correct though. Finally, can you check that the piston holes line up with each connecting rod? Hard to tell from my smaller version but it looks like that hole would be on the edge of the rod (were it not obscured by the piston), not in the center. (Maybe each rod would need to rotate counterclockwise a few degrees, with the rod big end fixed at the crankshaft?)
Mr. Dan, the revisions: #20 shadows back in the top and bottom crankshaft holes < checked the rear counterweight looks a little less rounded than the front one < checked remove the bottom ring from each piston so that there are only three present < checked the piston holes line up with each connecting rod < checked
Wow, I like those changes a lot! A couple of very small details:
The rear counterweight looks a little large now. Maybe it's a shadow line, maybe it's the outline, but I'd like to make it appear to be the same size as the front counterweight. Whether that means re-sizing it or playing with shadows/outlines doesn't necessarily matter, just want the counterweights to look the same size.
The front counterweight may be just a smidge non-symmetrical. The left side of it is perfect and close to reality, the right side is a little off. This was a problem in the design I attached for this contest as well, so it's probably a carry-over from that. The area I'm talking about is just to the right of the middle crankshaft hole. That counterweight radius doesn't seem as smooth as the one to the left of the middle crankshaft hole. It may not be at the same horizontal location either. Anyway, can you just check that general area for symmetry? Again, the left side is what I'd like it to look like.
Thanks again, I'll miss you when this is over Medi ;-)
Thanks Medi. Yeah, that looks more symmetrical. Just a couple things and we may be done:
I prefer the way the bottom of the front counterweight looks on #20. On #21 it's a little too round. Can I see the background color in a deep, dark "midnight" blue?
I appreciate your patience on these nitpicky details Medi.
Good Day Boss, Sorry for late response, it's a holiday here in Indonesia, please check updates: #22 #23 #24 Don't worry about revisions, ask me if you feel there still something to do
Thanks for fitting me in around your holiday Medi. Yeah, the lighter background color is better, just wanted to see a darker one. There is one other detail I wanted to see if you could tweak. The bottom portion of the crankshaft may be a little too round/smooth. If you look back aways (say #12) you can see that the very bottom of the top counterweight is somewhat flat. I'd like to restore that flatness to the current logo if I could. Also, the left side of the bottom of the front counterweight on #12 has a bit of a bulbous protrusion. I'd like to restore that and make the right side match as well. Hopefully "bulbous protrusion" makes sense, put another way, there are a few different radii in that area, not just one.