Hi, really like the designs, could you give some more eg.s which have more colors in the ones that are ranked. maybe some eg: with different background colors.
Entry #33 is going to be our winner. We'd appreciate your help in matching the logo to the following WordPress template. What would you suggest we change on the logo or template to match color and font?
I've made a screenshot of your website with the #33 logo. I personally think it looked OK on the web without making major changes to website's template especially the width of the header. Have a look at the link below to see the screenshot image. I added shadow under the logo to highlight the logo more.
I'd like to suggest your website use a san-serif fonts such as Verdana, Trebuchet MS or Arial. For the navigation menu, if you'd like to match the font with the font I used for the logo, I used the Androgyne font.
Thanks again! We're picking the 3 designs we like most from your submissions. Your art blew away the field so we appreciate the time you took. You'll be hearing from us soon!
We've selected Entry #33 as our winner. We'd also like a couple of the other submissions you had so please submit the following files for Entries #33, #32 and #12 for a total of 12 files.
Entry #33 * Original (EPS and PNG) * Black & White (EPS and PNG)
Entry #32 * Original (EPS and PNG) * Black & White (EPS and PNG)
Entry #12 * Original (EPS and PNG) * Black & White (EPS and PNG)