Our organization (Immunitrition.com) provides certifications and trainings for students nation wide in FOOD EDUCATION. Check out our Certified HEALING FOODS SPECIALIST (CHFS) TRAININGS (
http://www.immunitrition.com/CHFS_Training.php) and read all about our program.
We certify our students to work with others in their communities as food educators; to help those seeking more nutrient dense foods from LOCAL and trusted sources. Foods like our great, great, great grandparents prepared traditionally and ate regularly with no health issues such as diabetes, cancer, and heart disease. Our ancestors prepared and ate many cultured foods like yogurt, kefir, sauerkraut, ginger ale, salsa, sourdough breads, and chutney, knowing they aided in digestion, immune function, and that they populated the digestive tract with the healthy bacteria we now call PROBIOTICS. The Cultured Cuisine DVD will also go over cooking techniques such as cooking grass-fed beef, making bone stocks, incorporating organ meats into the diet, and s much more. We also certify our CHFS graduates to consult with others locally, to give classes about food education, and to even open up small manufacturing facilities where they can make traditional and cultured foods locally to start providing HEALTHY fast foods to their communities. It's a whole movement and our CHFS know that food is the best medicine for us all!
Cultured Cuisine will be the name of the DVD our CHFS students watch BEFORE they arrive to the CHFS training AND it will also be sold to the public as a different version from the training version.
Cultured Cuisine is also be the name of our certified kitchen where we prepare cultured foods such as kombucha, cutlured veggies, and homemade yogurt. This is located in Florida. This Cultured Cuisine logo will be used in print, on the web, and will be made into a sign for the outside of the building. I am not sure if the sign will be lettering only or if we will be able to have a sign installed with back-lighting. Regardless, we will need to keep the design clean and simple. We LOVE color, so feel free to use creative license where that is concerned.
If you have any other questions, please don't hesitate to contact us.
Thanks and we look forward to seeing your entries!
Caroline, Jennifer, and the Immunitrition Team