What We Do
We work in the TV/Film industry, designing custom solutions for cameras and other equipment rigging. We work closely with cinematographers and technicians to provide mechanical solutions to both creative and technical challenges.
Color Preferences
We love all sorts of blue, black, and gray for the digital logo! Physically, it will often be inscribed or etched onto products so it will end up being a sort of "raw silver" or off-white look when its not in a digital format.
Our Ideas & Additional Information
Ideally something relatively simple, that exudes elegance and sophistication but also slightly recognizable. We've previously been using a version of the Cue93 type with the film reel next to it - we dropped "Studios" to keep it more compact. The "CharmCine" logo is our partner company to give you an idea. Like I said, it will be engraved on products so it would be great to have a smaller "icon" type logo that maybe incorporated the "Cue93" in it, as well as a larger one with more visible type. Think if you were to like physically "brand" leather... Something that could be stamped.