Could you please try to use the graphic in enrty # 18 (a little smaller) with the text in entry #19. And please take the s off communications so it reads communication... thanks
Hi Mare... you do beautiful work. I just spoke to my partner and we think if you use the text in #19 (with s off of communucations) and combine that with the c graphic of #19 that would be great. Thanks, Bruce
You do beautiful work... we are going to select your design but I just want to confirm it with my associate. We like #1 and #2 and think you were right to make the Crystal in blue and VOIP in black like in #2. If I could possibly get you to that for #1 it would be great. Also can you provide photoshop or original files with the EPS's. And could we get you to separate elements like the logo and text so we would actually be receiving four files? Maybe you could send your email address to so we could discuss. I am happy to compenate you for the extra work.
Hi Bruce, sorry for the delay i just came from france i was on skiing. The site requires just two final files one EPS and one JPG but all other files you need i will send you on your e mail as soon as the contest is complete and you confirm the final files. No extra fees needed i will send you all the files you need.