Hi Randi, thx for your submission, we like you design however it is a bit too simplistic. Could you perhaps incorporate an Olympic barbell in/ with the word Crossfit and maybe make the font thicker/ pop more?? The colour of Return is a bit grey too, needs to be sharper (baby blue)
i know that we are not allowed share emails or any similar contacts during the contest, but i will ask around is it ok if contest holder just posts the image url into the comment area.
i hope you know how to upload images to internet. there are some free image host sites where you just need to upload a pic and it gives you the url to it
Hi Randi, can you please increase the size of the crossfit and decrease the size of the return in logos 75, 102, 104, 105 and show them on a white background.
Another request Randi, could you please show 75 with an F between the C and the R, this will obviously require a large change I would just like to see what it looks like.
Hi Randi, #131 looks good, thanks for incorporating the F. Would it be possible to make the circle the wording is in rounder (like the CF)? At the moment it is kind of oblong and flat at the top & bottom, hard to read the CFR. Can we see thicker font too (but same style).
The 3d may be harder to do now as we were thinking it could work with a looping arrow (which is not in this design & doesn't need to be). Have you any ideas?
At the moment logo 152 is the one we are liking the most. We would like to see a few versions of it with the following ammendments:
1.The font for the Crossfit Return be bold font, it needs to be bigger. 2. Decrease the spacings between the letters 3. Can we see the design on a black and white background 4. Can we see the circle in blue and red on each background (the initials in the opposite colours) 5. Can you also have the font in the in the logo to be in the broken design the same as the circle 6. Can we see the logo in black on the blue and red backgrounds
- we are happy with the CFR circle in #173 - re. the CROSSFIT RETURN, keep the font from #152 but make the letters slightly larger in size and in bold (less space between letters) - therefore we want to combine the circle from 173 and the writing from 152 - in addition can you add the words strength & conditioning to one example, centre this wording under the CROSSFIT RETURN and not the circle.
#185 is bad a$$!! We really like it :-) (with & without the strength & conditioning wording)
Can we see it in a selection of colours because its use will determine the colour scheme (ie. business cards, tshirts, website, logo). Also can we get just the the CFR circle on its own.
Colours: 1. black on white background 2. white on black background 3. #181 colour scheme 4. #187 colour scheme
Once How does this stage work? we have selected a logo as our winner do we get that logo in all different colours?
it goes like this: You select the winner. Then winner uploads final files, Final files includes the logo that was picked as a winner. Once you have approved the files you can ask designer to give you different background and color options.
I will make the revisions as you asked, will upload them ASAP
final files have EPS format and if requested designer can give you different formats too.
EPS and example PDF logos are vector formats it means the logo can be taken appart and change things. it makes it easier to recolor etc. Basically to change a color of the text it takes only like 2 mouse clicks with design software. Also vector format allows you to resize the logo without the quality loss. It doesnt go pixelated as bitmap images goes. And it is a must when logo is used in print media.