#4 I like the style much better, and the abstract tooth is good. I'd like more of a royal blue color with some browns to stick with the med. theme. Also, I like the swoop on the C of the Cromer, but the swoop on the Cairns needs to be under the name and not through it. Finally, if you could make the lettering a bit easier to read.
#3 I like the lines that highlight the name. Also, I like the design under the word dental. Perhaps use them in logo #4?
#2 I like how the names are only underlined once. Perhaps use it in logo #4?
Hi, Thanks for feedback. I'm working on different revisions, with different font styles also. I'll upload them as soon they will be ready. Regards, AKe
#11 I like this one, but I'd like to see Cromer and Cairns bigger. Also, I'd like to see it in a different type of script. Something a bit simpler. I'd like to see it in more of a royal blue, like the blue in #9.
#10 Question...Could I put this on a business card? Can you enlarge Cromer and Cairns and take the blue out of the "O" in Cromer?
Hi, I received your e-mails and read your comments. I'll adapt and revise the logos as your guidelines. Please leave here your comments addressed to me, and not on the main contest page. Shortly I'll submit the new updated logo entries. Regards, Ake