I also wanted to add that I'm not sure about the colour (I'm colour-blind), but other members of our group will weigh in on that later.
Also, I'm not sure if we actually want a cricket in our image or not. If you're open to trying it, variants with and without cricket(s) would be nice to see.
Nice updates! I like the darker cricket against the lighter background in 21. 22 is quite neat as well, though it's a little harder to make out the cricket icon.
I really like the prominence of the word FEED. Still, I'd be curious to see if you could do anything with FTW, to play on the parallels of "for the win" meme. I'd like to be able to compare that to your other images.
Thanks for your feedback! Here my concept for my logo designs :
1. Brown momochrome is for the color of crickets itself. Because crickets as a food for the world. I think the most suitable color is brown.
2. Using crickets for your logo is not bad as long as crickets is view not from the side (I view the cricket front view). So, it become a little bit like shrimp.
3. Using FTW is not good enough for me. Because it become nothing, except, if you want me play with CFTW for Crickets Feed The World. But I think the keyword here is Feed. So, I prefer not to play with FTW.
#23 and #24 with brown monochrome - white color to make it more modern look.
Though you are right about brown being the colour of crickets in the literal sense, the connotations of the brown colour are not necessarily ideal... think cardboard, it's not really life, food, energy. Our team will discuss it when we see the end of the open phase and do the rankings, of course.
Also, I like your point about crickets and shrimp: after all, crickets are kind of like shrimp on land.
Thanks for info what's your thinking about my perceptions. Actually, about brown color, in not a must to use only brown. I also using yellow color in some of my design to energize them. I ' ll try explore combine brown-yellow again in my next designs. Soon submit them.