One more font possibility. I really like a font named Philosopher ( and would like that for all the words.
CREATIVE in upper case.
dance & music studio in lower.
Hi Vagia,
Thanks so much for the font options. I did some playing today and still like this font in #177 the best. After looking at about 40 fonts, the ones I liked the best were close to this, so we'll leave it.
Can you please make the bottom line text a bit darker like in #150.
Also, can you straighten the treble clef just a bit. It appears to be tilted towards the left just a bit.
Thanks for all of your revisions and fine-tuning, especially over the Christmas holidays. Merry Christmas to you too!
Hi there,
Yes, there is the possibility to make changes after the chosing of the winner using our personal emails. This however can only happen after the contest ends. Please check out my new entries. Thank you and Merry Christmas!
Can we please fine-tune this and make the bottom line of text be the darker teal as you had it in #150.
I'm not sure if changes are possible once the winner is selected, so would it be possible for you to present one more font. I would like to see a different Sans Serif style than the one in #96, maybe even a bit italics or cursive. But it should stay readable and not be thin. I'm trying to find something that is close but feels a bit "creative".
Thank you so much for all of your work so far. I'm excited to be in the final stretch! There are a couple of things I would like to play with as options.
Colors: I like this better than the orange but would like it almost in between the 2 colors, so just a bit more orange.
I would love to see a second color scheme that keeps the navy blue, but uses a mint green for the dancer, and has the overlap between the circles as a teal blue/green. The bottom line can be either mint or teal, which ever shows better.
I know about the concern of the dancer image. If you would like to try something else, maybe another pose, I would love to see, but we just need to make sure she remains technically correct and proportioned. Just an idea to address this dancer.
Thank you for your new options. Would it be possible to see this one with this font but in all caps?
I think I'm looking for a color right between this orange and the coral option, but we are getting close. Thank you again!
Oh my, I'm so sorry and didn't intend to break any rules. I can take it down. That is actually part of our current logo. Perhaps I can remove that and add in our logo, which we do own rights to. Thank you so much for all your work. I'm enjoying the process and what you've provided. Thanks,
Hi there,
Thank you for your comments.
I would like to to inform you that LogoTournament the use of clipart, like the one you have attached, is against the rules and could cause the punishment of the person using it. Because of this I uploaded new logos that look like the one you have uploaded. Thanks.
Loving this. For the orange can we see it a bit more like coral? For the font, can we see Creative all caps in more of a 'mature' look? And then maybe dance & music studio in lower case? Thank you so much.
Would it be possible to flip the circles and have the orange dancer first and the blue music second? Also, the dancer pose isn't exactly right. Our current logo has a leaping dancer, I will try to add it to the initial info submitted to see if you can do something like it.
Hi, I really like the start of this but would like to see our dancers represented as well. Is it possible to add a second circle at the top with a dancer being depicted? Perhaps in the orange color? Thank you so much.
Comment Activity
CREATIVE in upper case.
dance & music studio in lower.
Thank you!
Thanks so much for the font options. I did some playing today and still like this font in #177 the best. After looking at about 40 fonts, the ones I liked the best were close to this, so we'll leave it.
Can you please make the bottom line text a bit darker like in #150.
Also, can you straighten the treble clef just a bit. It appears to be tilted towards the left just a bit.
Thanks for all of your revisions and fine-tuning, especially over the Christmas holidays. Merry Christmas to you too!
Yes, there is the possibility to make changes after the chosing of the winner using our personal emails. This however can only happen after the contest ends. Please check out my new entries. Thank you and Merry Christmas!
Can we please fine-tune this and make the bottom line of text be the darker teal as you had it in #150.
I'm not sure if changes are possible once the winner is selected, so would it be possible for you to present one more font. I would like to see a different Sans Serif style than the one in #96, maybe even a bit italics or cursive. But it should stay readable and not be thin. I'm trying to find something that is close but feels a bit "creative".
Thank you again so much!
Is it possible to show the music note as it would normally be in white on the circle instead of just the inside of the clef in the circle?
Thank you!
Colors: I like this better than the orange but would like it almost in between the 2 colors, so just a bit more orange.
I would love to see a second color scheme that keeps the navy blue, but uses a mint green for the dancer, and has the overlap between the circles as a teal blue/green. The bottom line can be either mint or teal, which ever shows better.
I know about the concern of the dancer image. If you would like to try something else, maybe another pose, I would love to see, but we just need to make sure she remains technically correct and proportioned. Just an idea to address this dancer.
Thank you so much!
I think I'm looking for a color right between this orange and the coral option, but we are getting close. Thank you again!
Thank you for your comments.
I would like to to inform you that LogoTournament the use of clipart, like the one you have attached, is against the rules and could cause the punishment of the person using it. Because of this I uploaded new logos that look like the one you have uploaded. Thanks.