I really like what you've come back with here. We might have to work on the actual dancer to make her technically correct. I like the dancer being in front of the C.
Would you mind making the orange more of a coral (pinkish orange) and using that on the C and on Dance & Music Studio.
Please put dance & music studio all on one line.
Move the C/dancer above the words, like your original C was.
If you have any questions please let me know & I can do my best to clarify. I really like what you've given us and I'm excited to see more. Thank you.
Thank you, this is getting interesting. Can we put dance & music studio on one line, maybe in the orange? I like this dark blue personally, but perhaps it's closing in on black. Can it be a bit brighter. Not all the way to royal but not so navy? Thank you.
Hi, I like the use of a unique C and that the name is pretty simple and clear. Can you show what it might be like on white, using both the blue and orange (or another complimenting color)? Thank you!
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#140 #141 #142 #144
Would you mind making the orange more of a coral (pinkish orange) and using that on the C and on Dance & Music Studio.
Please put dance & music studio all on one line.
Move the C/dancer above the words, like your original C was.
If you have any questions please let me know & I can do my best to clarify. I really like what you've given us and I'm excited to see more. Thank you.
and also lighter blue a little bit
#41 #42
please let me know