Thank you! Your addition of the music note was very creative and helpful.
A few things as we start to fine-tune.
Would you be able to change the arabesque to our leaping dancer that is in our current logo (or something similar). That image was submitted in my contest info. That would help me transition from one logo to the next.
Colors: would you mind presenting an option using a mint/teal in place of the coral?
I love your coral, that is perfect, but we are having a hard time deciding if we want to go with coral or mint/teal. Seeing it both ways will help us decide.
Hi ddamian_dd. I keep coming back this, one of your originals, because of the soft design. But it feels a bit like a needle and thread. Do you think the line could be replaced with a dancer in an arabesque position behind the swirl of the C? I can't figure out how to show an example of arabesque but you can search for it. Thank you for your time.
I want to thank you for all the options presented. I added a clip of the dancer in our current logo to give an idea what our dancer might look like. Something more feminine and softer, less yoga. I am still tork because I like the idea of the c making a circle. Even if we lose the actual C, would you have ideas with 2 circles? One for dance and one for music? Thank you for your time.
Hi, I really like the the C at the top is unique to us, but I would love to see dance incorporated more. Might there be a way to do that? Adding a dancer somehow? Thank you.
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A few things as we start to fine-tune.
Would you be able to change the arabesque to our leaping dancer that is in our current logo (or something similar). That image was submitted in my contest info. That would help me transition from one logo to the next.
Colors: would you mind presenting an option using a mint/teal in place of the coral?
I love your coral, that is perfect, but we are having a hard time deciding if we want to go with coral or mint/teal. Seeing it both ways will help us decide.
Thank you so very, very much. This is great.
I would like to see the orange be more of a coral (pinkish orange). And the blue be a navy, which I feel this is close to.
Can the bottom line be adjusted to the coral color, all lower case and a bit larger?
Again thank you so much!