I do not know how this happened! I think I did it inadvertently, it was at night and I was tired. I do not know how I can restore it. If you are interested in my works, I will try to do it with the administration of the portal, maybe I will be able to restore this work. I'm very sorry.
Hi I was just checking to see if you withdrew your logos? I can't see them any more and was really interested in your design. Thank you so much for your time. :)
I really appreciate it, but it might change the dancer too much and I like her. I saw the other one with the note as the dot on the i. That might be a way.
I like the circle alot. I think that can stand on it's own, be moved to the top if needed, etc. I'm wondering if you would mind different fonts. Both cursive, but not connected, more formal and boxy (like OptimusPrinceps), or softer sans serif (more round shape)?
Thank you for your work. I feel this is clean but still not connected (dance & music) and maybe that's not possible.
From this, I had the idea to use that music note as the dot on the i in Creative. And what about using a treble clef as the & between dance & music. We do that in our current logo & I should have considered that. Just a thought. Thank you.
Thank you so much for joining. I really love the dancer, and the lines give it a feel of staff paper. I'm wondering if you would mind trying a few options.
Do you think the tutu of the dancer (or her body) can become a music note some how, without changing her too much?
Maybe all of that inside a circle?
Second idea is to put her inside a circle above Creative and have a second circle with a music note. Maybe the circles could over lap?
Colors: While I love these 2 together, I would like to see the blue be more of a navy and the pink be a coral.
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Thank you!
From this, I had the idea to use that music note as the dot on the i in Creative. And what about using a treble clef as the & between dance & music. We do that in our current logo & I should have considered that. Just a thought. Thank you.
Do you think the tutu of the dancer (or her body) can become a music note some how, without changing her too much?
Maybe all of that inside a circle?
Second idea is to put her inside a circle above Creative and have a second circle with a music note. Maybe the circles could over lap?
Colors: While I love these 2 together, I would like to see the blue be more of a navy and the pink be a coral.
Thank you so much. This is an exciting start.