Thank you so much for this design. I am wondering if you might have an idea on how to transform the music note into a dancer? I just would like dance equally represented. Or the idea of 2 different circles, one for dance and one for music? Just ideas I'm getting from this.
I also like the word creative alot but I feel the E's might be hard to read from a distance or on a Tshirt because of the thin lines.
Thank you so much!
I am really interested in the word part of this. And this is a good attempt at the image part. Would you mind trying 2 circles at the top. One orange/coral with our dancer image and one blue/navy with the music note? I think combining them is throwing me off, but this is a good start for sure. Thank you!
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Please see #99 #101.
I also like the word creative alot but I feel the E's might be hard to read from a distance or on a Tshirt because of the thin lines.
Thank you so much!
Please see #83 with 2 circles. You mean like this?