I am liking how this is looking. The only thing is the top looks more like cupcake frosting. Can you make it look more like a scoop of ice cream. I like the colors.
Ok i am loving your logo. I want to tweak it slightly. I like the text in #136, its bold, easy to read. But i like the set up of #111 the best. Can you merge the text from 136 to 111. Also, i do like the yellow text with the blue ice cream on top, like #110 so use that color scheme. But when you do can you invert the 2 blues that are inside the ice cream. Making the bulk of the ice cream light blue and the outside darker.
i am loving your artwork. Thank you for being so responsive and understanding of my requests. I like the thicker boarder around the cookie and the ice cream. I am torn between the blue and yellow, and what i want to be in the text and what color in the ice cream.
Can i have you do a few things: -On #174 can you invert the colors inside the text. -drop down the cookie and the boarder. Making the bottom arch the same size as the top arch, like in #111. -also the cookies i make are more like homemade cookies, not nesseacarily like the kinds of ice cream sandwiches with the holes in them. Could you work on making a 2 or 3 tone style cookie.
ok, so i like the text that is in #175 the best. As well as the color of the text and ice cream. That is all perfect.
the only next thing is put the newer cookie that is in #180 underneath the text. And make it so about half of the cookie shows. In doing that, it will make the entire logo more of a oblong shape, or oval like shape (similar "outside" shape as #111) which i really like.
loving it more and more. I am liking the "swoop" under the dream, so keep that.
I want to work with #181 i like that one the best. But i want the colors of the ice cream and the text from #182.
also, i like the design of the cookie in #181, but dont want the cookie to be the same color as the text. So can you make the cookie darker. Maybe use the darker brown as the main color. I just want to separate the text and the cookie.