Hi - Thank you for your submissions, they are really clever!!!
For entry 10, can you color the bone in the same color as the crazy tails font? I think it will help provide more clarity to the letter "T." For the "C" in Crazy...can you bring out more of the "C" on the bottom? The cat is covering a little too much of the bottom.
For entry 9, same comments about the dog bone. For the cat, is it possible to make this a brown tabby cat (brown w/black stripes?). For the dog, can we get a golden retriever or yellow lab look?
And, for a possible third option, curious how the dog sitting up would work as an "a" in Tails instead of the "T."
I really like the fresh perspective you have brought to the logos!!! Excellent work!
For entry #12, can we add a tongue to the animal to make it look like it just ate something delicious? And, can the eyes either 1- look bug-eyed for a crazy look or 2- look bright as if smiling and happy?
Re: submission #13...I like the dark colored dog bone, works well! When you have time, can we look at an option where the dog is a little shorter and thinner...so his belly isn't touching the "y" in crazy....want it to look like two words and still looking for the "t" to be more defined.
RE: #27 - we are still having a little trouble defining the "T" in Tails. Is it possible to add the letter "T" and then have the dog up against the "T" with the bone resting across the Top of the "T"? Our only concern is that someone not familiar with our name may not get the dog is the "T" for tails. Also, would like to use the brown tabby in this logo - same position, laying at bottom of "C." If we do this, should we consider gradient coloring for the letters or something else in order to add a bit of color to the logo? (The tabby is the same color as the letters).
For Entry #18: Can you try 2 options....1-move the dog in front of the "a", 2-invert the dog and move it in front of the "T".
For Entry #20 - can we see a version with gradient coloring for the font? Something to make it "pop."
Thanks for all of the submissions!!! You have some really GREAT ideas.
Below are some recommendations - please take your time, no rush (enjoy the long weekend)!!!
RE: Entry #58 - can the dog color be changed to more of a golden brown or light gold tone (golden retriever look)? And, is there anything we can do with the cat tail? Maybe wrap it around the bottom of the "y"?
RE: Entry #44 a few options: 1) Can this green color be changed to the brown "crazy tails" color we have been using? 2) Move the dog so that his nose falls right under the bone, slightly touching the bottom of the bone (may need to make the dog a little smaller - that is okay). If "Gourmet Pet Treats" doesn't fit with this move, maybe have the dog "stand on top of these words"? 3) I like the font size for "gourmet pet treats used in entry #47, 4) Wrap the cat tail like entry #27. 5) Lighten the cat stripes so they are not so dark. 6) I like the body color of the cat used in entry #49.
Let's see how these changes look, then we can continue our feedback loop.
Thank you SO MUCH for your hard work. I am impressed by the quality of your submissions.
RE: Entries #79 and #80...thanks for your updates to the cat color.
Are there any other options for cat images? Maybe a cat that is more cute/playful?
Also, still interested in having you make the changes mentioned above to Entry #44...we are torn between all three of your submissions. We love them all.
Really enjoy your work - keep up the fabulous submissions!!!
When you have a moment, can you update your version #44... 1- Can this green color be changed to the brown "crazy tails" color we have been using? 2- Move the dog so that his nose falls right under the bone, slightly touching the bottom of the bone (may need to make the dog a little smaller - this is okay). 3-If "Gourmet Pet Treats" doesn't fit when you move the dog, maybe have the dog "stand on top of these words"? 4- I like the font size for "gourmet pet treats used in entry #47 5- Wrap the cat tail like entry #27 . 6- Use a different cat image - color to be light brown with dark brown stripes
This image, in addition to entries #58 & #62, are in the top rankings of our committee.
RE: Entry #96: 1- Put a little space between the crazy "Y" and the back of the dog. 2 - Still looking for a cute and cuddly kitty to fit in the bottom of the C. Committee not thrilled with "mad hatter" look to this cat. 3 - Tag line to read: Gourmet Pet Treats 4 - Tag line font seems to get a little lost - can we bold and have dog stand on top?
RE: Entry #101: Really cute! Just looking for a cuter, kinder kitty.
Truly appreciate all of your hard work...we have some solid designs from you.
For entry #62, can we update the cat to the same cat image in #128? And, would be interested to see how this looked if the word "Crazy" was tipping towards the dog based upon the dog pulling at the letter "C".
Thank you for the updates. Really enjoy your work.
1-Can you change both the "a" in crazy and in tails to the "a" style in submission #127. I want to keep the paw print in both the "a"s. 2- I do like the thicker font you use in these designs...it is a little more playful
RE: #141...Oh my gosh, I love your idea having the ball at the end of the "y" for the dog...fabulous!
Can we ask for another variation on submissions #128 and #135. - Keep the font as is, but make the paw prints inside the "a"s a little smaller. - Also, add the dog ball to the end of the "y"
Can we see a version with the following revisions: - The paw print in the first "a" shaded in a light green - The paw print in the second "a" shaded in a light blue - Red collar on the dog - Outline of the bone in a new color (maybe light blue, light green or combo?)
Just curious how some hints of color will look with this submission.
First, RE: Entry #137 - Add new cat (cat image from #209) laying on its back across the word "crazy" - Change dog to dog image used in #106...Have the dog in the same position as the current dog image in #137. Looking for a little more cartoon-character look/feel to the dog's face in order to match cartoon cat - Have the tail at the beginning of the letter "c" in crazy curve up - not down (want to make the "c" easier to read -Change colors to same colors in #205 (light blue/light green gradients)
Second, RE: Entries #204 & #205 - Make dog image a bit smaller - Make cat image a little big bigger - Also curious how the gradient shading in bone would look in #204
We are really impressed by all of your submissions. Keep up the good work!
Entry #212: -Love the dog in the smaller version - great job! Can we now make the cat a little smaller so his entire bottom is sitting on the top of the "t"? I don't want his back-end hanging over the "t." :-) - Can you add a navy blue collar to the cat? - Let's go back to the brown bone, my bad! Entry #213: -Also make the cat a little smaller on this version so his entire bottom is sitting on the top of the "t". I don't want his back-end hanging over the "t." :-) - Can you add a navy blue collar to the cat? Entry #214: - Can we change the green and blue font colors on this version to the same gradient blue and green used in #213? - Can the dog be made to look a little more comical (like the cat)? Maybe elongate the nose, play with the eyes. Also, lighten the dog color a little bit. - Can you remove the bones for now? We may add them back in later, but we want to focus on the core logo first. (Like the flying bones though, nice touch!!!) - Have the tail on the "C" come out to the dog's nose. It is a little too high on this version. - Lower the cat's elbow so it is resting on the letters (Z or Y)- then have the cat's face resting on it's paw...want it to look relaxed - the back seems stiff right now, like it should be leaning up against something.
Can we see a version with the cat's collar in red (with circles) identical to the dog's collar? Also, can the cat's placement be fixed so the brown shadow at the top of the S can be seen?
Hi - whew, we are almost there...any your submissions are all great!!!!
For #217...can we see 2 new versions: 1st version: replace the cat with the cat image from #207. 2nd version - update the current cat image - want to change his paws...the paw in the forefront--make it round and fluffy....current paw looks like a bone. Paw in background on his stomach...can it be shaped more like a cat paw...it is hard to see what it is... For BOTH versions...please lighten the color of the dog - the brown is a little too dark. Also, make the black coloring of the nose a little smaller....like the long snout, but not a big nose.
Will send you revision requests for a couple of other submissions shortly.
Can we also update the dog and cat images in entries #216 and #205? Would like to see these logos using the dog and cat images in entry #278. Not sure if it is possible to have the #278 dog image changed to reflect the dog pose in 216/217 where he is down on all four paws pulling at the letter "y."
Lots of positive feedback on your logo submissions - great work!
There are several attributes from each of your logo submissions that we really like - so we are trying to consolidate into one final logo. Thank you for your flexibility in creating our revisions in such a timely and well executed manner.
Here are some ideas we are hoping you can consolidate:
Can logo #278 be revised as follows: - use the cat body (not face) and pose from logo #129.Just switch the position so the cat is sliding down the word "crazy" - Use the cat face from logo #278 - Use the gray color of the cat in logo #278 (same coloring and stripes) - Lower the back end of the cat slightly
There are a few other modifications - but let's see how this works first.
1) Replace dog with the dog image you used in entry #291. (Really like the size of dog in #291). Keep his current pose. Maybe you can position him to be pulling at the top of the "T"
2) Replace dog with the dog image you used in entry #291. Change pose to reflect pose of current dog in #295. (Can keep his paws stretched out instead of begging - - maybe one paw on the "T" and one paw on the tail of the "C"...
May want to modify cat as well. But let's see how these 2 revisions look first.
I posted changes, hopefully it reflects what you need. Please let me know what other alterations I can make that will target what you are looking for. You comments are appreciated! Thanks! :-)
Can you modify this version with the following changes: - Have the "C" be in the forefront with the dogs tail in the background - current version the dog's tail partially covers the "C" - Replace the cat with the cat in entry #207.
Let's see how the following revisions look: - Move the words "Crazy Tails" to one line (have a small space between the words) - Make the cat and dog a bit smaller - Remove the paw prints from inside both of the "a"s - Replace the 'i" dot with a paw print - Remove the bone with "gourmet pet boutique" - keep the words "gourmet pet boutique," but use font style. color and position of entry #239
Thank you for all of your hard work - it is greatly appreciated!