#12 isn't far out from where I think we are headed. You can see my comments on the others. I don't think #11 is playing in our direction. Don't forget about blue, actually I'm surprised I haven't seen blue with green from anyone. Anyway, just giving a little feedback but you can see where we were leaning above on some of the other. Thanks.
Thanks for the work so far. I liked the shopping bag as it can play to a lot of ideas/concepts we have for the business however, I seemed to be the only one on that. HOWEVER, I think we should do a tweak on that and use it as an icon like you did on the one we are keeping in. I do need to include blue in that icon though. I think it's getting kinda busy though so any thoughts on type size and organizing or stacking the type different would be good. Let me know. The bag is your element so far, let's build off of that. Thanks, Tom.