My wife really likes your #75. I looked it at work and it seemed to have more brown/taupe in it. Now that l look at it at home , it seems to be more gray (it was a different computer each time). What colors were you trying to go with? We like the version with browns better.
Could it be my pc that is throwing off the colors? Thanks.
:) Color is close taupe brown actually and definitely not grey:) I'm using Apple monitor and our color degrees r different than pc's and it's possible seems different at each computer...
I'm able to submit different brown variations if u want... But, u have to put me to the first place temporarily 'cos only the 1st ranked designer can submit at the judging mode according to the rules of Logo Tournament.
Let me look at the logo from my other pc again tomorrow. If it is close taupe, that's the one we like. From my laptop it is a medium gray. Will get back to you soon. Thanks.
I just looked at you logo from my work pc and it is taupe/brown. How weird. It is gray on my laptop. I think i am leaning towards putting you in 1st. I will make up my mind in the next 24 hours. Thanks.
You are the winner. Thank you for your work. I like both #75 and #76. One for the taupe color and the other for letterhead etc. Can you send me both? Also, what variations of the logo will you be sending me? The FAQ says various sized jpegs and EPS. I would also like a black and white and a transparent version.