Sorry couldn't use #39, my current company I work for has too similar of an S. ( -can't be like them. #40.. Love it. The logo looks very professional. Now, you'll notice #52 how he made the background rectangle - this is what my sticker will be shaped like. Could we try yours with a rounded rectangular background like that? I thought we could try making it the same color as #52 and maybe we'd have to adjust the color of the logo so it would blend less. OR we could make the background black and change the font colors. if we do that, please make the picture color the same baby blue as #52. I feel as though this light blue has to be a major part of it in some way. Thanks a lot!! GREAT LOGO!
A few more comments... I love the layout of #38 and #36. The logo on the left and line seperating it from text is great. Can we try putting the logo of #34 & #35 in that config? Now about the logo of #34 and #35, I like it, but it seems a bit sharp. Can we try two things, first, soften all the corners a little, this way it looks more rounded. And then could Isee a version where the top right and bottom left do not extend out past the square? I'd love to see what it would look like as a square picture. Thanks so much, these are great.
one more thing... The text is a little loud perhaps.. I'm trying to be more discreet. Think of what I do as being an electronic ninja. very quiet but powerful. Perhaps all caps isn't getting that message across.. Could we try a font type that has more of this feeling?
HI, Sorry for the delay.These few days were really hectic for me.I couldnt give time to designing. Here is the revised version. But back to work now. Please let me know if you would like to see changes. Thanks, Sandhya