GPS Logik! I just looked at your page. Your designs are outstanding. I particularly thgought the one you made for GPS Logik was relevant to what I do as well. I'm in the high tech electronics field. Can you use it for mine or is that a violation? Could we do something similar to that and colorful like #68 is? lmk, thanks!
YES! Now we're talkin! #79 is outstanding. If we get some colors in there we're lookin real good! Looking for black covert and grey security with colorful picture to left. If you would like to try first just changing the picture to the light blue color that #48 is using, that'd be good to see please. THANKS!! edit: A friend just informed me that the circuits in the picture of #79 should be shaped into a C and an S. If that was doable and it had some colors in there it would be perfect. one more thing about the text... you see how in the one I have ranked 1 right now (#48) the first letter in Covert is larger than the rest? I think this looks better than all the same size letters. :)
YES!!!!!!!!! These are wonderful. I have to go out now and I can't comment from my phone. I will give you notes later and one of these will probably take first rank. THANKS!!!!! Please check my notes on main page about font. :) :) :)
Why do I want the colors you ask? Look at Google. Colors. Colorful is the future. Look at Tokyo at night. New York City Time's Square at night. Colors. People like colors. I do anyway.
Try this please, take #85 and make the covert black, make the security grey, and put colors just in the little dots within the light blue circle logo. black dot green dot and dark purple dot. or perhaps black green and red. can we try that please? Thank you!
We're on the right track with the colored dots. I was hoping we could preserve the line though because that's what makes it look like a circuit. And if we're keeping the lines we should try to make the lines form a C and an S. Then if the Covert font was black it would be perfect. And I'm just throwing this out there... what if instead of a circle, the picture was more of a square shape with very soft rounded corners.. or even if it were a cube with a few sides visible and circuits running all over... Not sure how difficult this would be but I think it would be ideal. I think I like the text in #88 and #89 best.. but it should be black and grey. Thank you, yours are the best ones.
That was so fast. You are the only one who listens to me. It's almost exactly like I imagined. The cubes looks great. Only thing is they're not a perfect cube.. Nevermind about that for now. I might be liking the square more than the cube anyway. I would love to see the square with the same text as #88 and #89 except black and grey instead of blue. If it's not too hard, I'd like to see the cube be perfect, it's a little taller than wide right now. It's a good question about why the cube.. I think it's because that's what I like, but then again, what does a cube have to do with what my company does? I don't know, I just think it looks awesome. I'd welcome any suggestions you might have about what else we could do with this from here.. No doubt this is my favorite in the contest.
Thanks again for your updates! Cube is now perfect! I think I'm pretty set on the text being black and grey though. What I like about the text in #88 and #89 is that it is less bold. So I'd really like to see what that less bold text would look like in black and grey when paired with the squares and cubes. Thanks!! Still the best by far.
Thanks you! I'm loving #137. Can we try losing the shadow and making the dots brighter colors so they really stand out as their color? might have to make them a little bigger to do this? whatever you think.. The other thing about it is that the plain maybe looks a bit too flat.. I think it should look like it has some thickness to it, like as if it were the same thickness as an iPhone or iPad. Hope I explained that well. That type of 3D characteristic was achieved in #97 and #113 with the shinyness at the top, maybe adding that to #137 would do that? Yours is still the best.
Beautiful! You have a strong lead. If you win, will you give me the source to every submission #97 and above? I'm not sure how that works exactly, but I imagine that you wouldn't be using that blue circuit square for any future contests, right? only changes i would think about with #145 would be do you think the C and S would be more visible if the circuits were rotated 90 degrees left as they are oriented in #143? Or perhaps if the lines were slightly thicker would the C and S be more obvious or visible? The people I'm having look at the contest are on the fence between #145, #113, #97 and some others that show the initials better. What do you think? I welcome your opinions, you are the one with the eye for this stuff. And thank you again for being the only one who really listens to me. :)
Thank you. A few easy things to try... someone told me the picture is too big.. maybe we can try it a bit smaller, more like the size of the 2nd ranked. And I was just wondering would the C and S in the circuit be even easier to see if the C line was black and the S line was grey, like the text is? Can we try those? :) Terima kasih!
One other thing, people are saying that the shine may be a bit too much... can we try making the shinyness a little less? :) :) :) Also, check out what this person did, they sent me this link to show how the design would look on a card and everything: I'm not saying you need to do that, but I think it's a great idea and wanted to share it with you.
One last thing to try. Can we try to apply the new colors and aspects of #159 and #160 into the cube in #110? :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) added @ 1:50am EST: Someone told me that #160 looks like a credit card. maybe because it's thin looking. if it were thicker it wouldn't look like that. Can we please make it have some more thickness? THANK YOU!