I like #12. Cool font. Can we try making "security" a bit smaller and experimenting with the text and picture being different color combinations out of the four I mentioned in the brief? I mean, you could go totally nuts with colors in the picture. I'd love to see that. Just preserve the C of course. This one is really cool, let's make it colorful. :)
People like your ideas. I do as well. Could we try putting it in the shape of the ones I currently have ranked 1-4? I think that a black covert and a grey security is great looking, and then we could put the colors in the dots. Another idea I had was, you know how a power button looks? there's an upward facing C with a line through it.. what if we made the C in the dots have that line through the side as if it were a sideways power button? this way it would convey the message of electronics. What do you think?
#82 is looking much better. Should be that baby blue though like in #48 please. thanks! :) Also one thing about the text, Can we try making the first letter of covert larger than the rest, as #48 has done? Thanks.