First of all thank you very much for your submission!
I was talking with my team about your design, and we were wondering is it possible for you to make the logo #17 more easier to read?
We believe Japanese people will have difficulty reading the current font. And we believe coloring full heart (not half heart) red will make it easier to wee that the shape is heart.
It would be great if you can give us many variations, so we can find the right one.
Just in case, we will also include a notice were you should be careful: - "couples" is a service that Japanese people will use, so please make the logo easy-to-read. - Since we want to make the logo elegant, please don't make the logo too flamboyant and make it simple. - Please use the color that is listed on coloe scheme that we have attached.
We are looking forward to your great updated work :D! Thank you very much in advance!
Thanks for including me in the top 5. I have started uploading some variations, but still have more i would like to try. Right now though, i have to get some sleep. Hope i remain in the top 5 through tomorrow so that i can have time to get other options in .
Re: one of the options I have put in already has a ticket shape to the border (but could be made into a rubber stamp, if that is the look. I sort of thought it represented what the site does which is giving them a ticket to view their own story that they create. (thought maybe i should explain)
First of all, thank you very much for all of the beautiful inspiring work that you have submitted.
We really love your design and we have ranked you 1st place :D! Congrats! We will be selecting your work #832 as the winner :)!
If possible, we would like the logo data to be in Illustrator (.ai) format, and please include an outline data and a font data in the .ai file. Do you think you can prepare the .ai file with outline and font data?
Thanks. Will watch for win announcement. Will then upload the files to LT, where you can approve them. (they only have upload space for an eps file and a jpg file). Once you've looked at them and approved them, send me your private email by private message, and I can send you the .ai file and font information to you there. Will also send you some png files with transparent backs, as well. (LT has no place to upload those, so need an email address for you).
I sent a private message re: this with a little more detail.
Thanks again for the win and the kind words :-) Carla