i like the target at the "O", but i think the couch is too big. I also don't like the mix of red and orange. I think I would prefer the two words to be the same font. Perhaps the target could be coloured, but I am not a fan of the orange and red together, one or the other would be better
Hi dear CH, thanks for your guide and feedback, i imagined since i began to design a logo for you actually a real red couch made with bullet holes fabric, also to promote your brand it could work as small red coach original key ring, also another idea that came to my mind could be making the red fabric with holes with the logo as couch cover and several other catchy applications the logo itself can be taken in advantage in a very creative way, probably other ideas might not be practical and easy to remember as the concept i developed for you, thanks.
Thanks Rick, in looking at it, I like the concept and I like the bullet holes, I think the problem for me is there are too many holes. It looks good when big, but smaller it looks like polka dots, and not bullet holes. Could you get rid of all but the big ones? maybe three or so?
#57 - Interesting. I like what you did here. I am not sure about the solid black and solid red together like that. I think either the bomb is solid and the couch is just an outline of a couch - (or white?) - or the couch is a solid colour and the bomb is just an outline ........
Also, the top of the couch is a little too round, so it looks like a chair, i think if it was slightly flatter/wider, it might look more couch like
thanks. Couch shape better! I like it! I prefer the shaping details on the red couch, but don't like the solid red and solid black together. Can either you add some shading to the white one, or the bomb is solid and the couch is just an outline of a couch) - or the couch is a solid colour and the bomb is just an outline ........
Also, the "o" does not need to be a target anymore. Also i think all capitals or all lower case would be better
Probably the outline might not be the best option due small sizes when reducing a logo, but i always try to reach the limits, thanks for your feedback really looks an improvement on the logo overall, let me see how outline might work and submit the best look, letter "o" normal with latest entries next.
i think you are right about the outline- i like #63. The only problem is the red and black together are really strong, but in versions 60 and 62, the couch is missing the shiny/shadow lines which is a nice detail......is there any way to make those on a white couch? maybe a few shades of white or...????
#70- 1. I am still not so sure about the font, not sure about both capitals and lower case letters together, and looking for other possible fonts choices ....
2. Again, Thank you so much for all your work! it's been great! It is looking really good!
3. I am now thinking that the couch could be clear, so that i can place the logo over any background and the couch becomes the colour of that background. is that possible?
#77 - I like this font better - don't like the grey. Can I see an all caps version for camparision (now we are getting into little details I know.....)
Congratulations and thank you for all your work. Can you tell me what format you submit the designs in? also, is it possible to submit a few versions of the design, ie the white with black background and the black with white background?
also one with couch in bold , and one with assassin in bold?
also can you tell me the name of the font you used and the colour number for the red, if there is one?