Hi Makou,
I love your concept and have discussed it a bit with some others. I wonder if we can try a few things with it to fine tune it?
I am undecided between the daytime scene and the sunset scene. Could you try using the font colour from #67 on the #66 logo so I can see the daytime logo with the darker font?
I wonder if we could make the rock in the scene a bit more orange/pink like in this photo:
http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_tZDxXOa8_9Y/Rtw2VGRRJOI/AAAAAAAAAbA/6N4YSUP5oqA/s1600-h/_MG_2543_1.jpgIs that difficult to do?
How difficult would it be to change the cottage a bit? I really love the look of the cottage in this photo. I love the colour too:
http://cottages.net/cottagescene/img1.jpgI am pretty sure you have won the contest. I just want to see if we can tweak it a bit if it is possible. Let me know what you think, or ask a question if you like before you do anything.