Hello Jill Marie,
Latest feedback is on the homepage.
Overall pluses:
I love love LOVE the energy of the logos you've made.
fabulous freshness to the design.
Different from usual corporate logos, but not so different that the corporates will dislike it.
looks fine with or without the strapline
the font gives it a personal touch, appropriate because my business is personality-led.
the logo hangs together as one unit. (Unlike the logos that look like a shape AND a name)
very distinctive, memorable. Easy to spot. Stands out, without being too shouty.
Overall concerns:
the O looking like an A
ensuring the strapline is legible
getting the colour balance right. I think the red may not work
how to place, orient, and size that fireburst for maximum effect
If it's possible and it wouldn't look bad: I'd rather the bar of the T were more to the right of it, instead of being more to the left of it. Gives more message of "forward" (as opposed to "back")
At risk of sounding like Andy Warhol: I'd be keen to see a version with a dark turquoise fireburst instead of yellow/gold/orange. Not so light that it looks like a splash of water, nor so teal that it makes Costabell hard to read. Somewhere between turquoise and teal. Strapline not in red. Would you be ok with doing just one version of that colour combination? (I don't want you to do several, in case I instantly hate it!)
So you know: I have three extremely busy days ahead of me, so I may ask to extend the contest. I will make clear to everyone that the extension is 99% for my favourite designers to do further tinkering so I can select the top logo. I'll let others know that unless they're one of the few designers I'm keen on, I won't be giving feedback. (It's good manners and professional to give quality feedback, but the amount of time it takes is phenomenal!)
You are, of course, one of those few & favoured designers.
Thank you,