CorrespondenceLogo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / Correspondence

Correspondence has selected their winning logo design.

For $275 they received 116 designs from 8 different designers from around the world.


































































Prefers others.


Prefers others.


Prefers others.


Logo Designer
"R" correspond to each other.

Great music btw.

12 years ago
#15, #13, #12, #14 - I really like the idea and what you did with the "R" which is why I kept them all in the rankings. I can't think of anything else I would add to it at the moment other than to maybe play with some different colors.

Great job! (and thanks for the compliment on the music)
12 years ago
I like the first set of these #15, #13, #12, #14 are great. I like the second ones and put them into the rankings as well. I'm confident you'll be a finalist either way and then we can really sort out which ones are the best for the brand/music.

If you have any other ideas, feel free to try them.

12 years ago
Logo Designer
I am terrible sorry for inconvenience but now i see that all my entries was removed because LC stuff say's that i can not use grunge style font and rectangle (they claims that using these elements i violate someone else's concept). I will contact LC personnel and see what i can do with this.
12 years ago
Thanks - if you can find out what happened that would be great. I was definitely interested in looking at your designs in the next phase.

12 years ago
Logo Designer

I am sorry for delay, but in last two days i spent a lot of time explaining and defending my designs against some nonsense accusation to me. I ended up with foggy situation where to me is not allowed to use some common design elements. The only reason why i am still in this contest is because i like to work on project where i "feel" the atmosphere, catch vibe and came up with something meaningful and on the track with idea of a brand as a whole. That is exactly what happened when i start to work on your logo, but obviously i am disrupted.

These are my two entries with attempt to emphasize "corresponding R's" Entry #57 and Entry #56

I wish you a luck with your new logo.

Best Regards,
Edie (k-twist)
12 years ago
Thank you very much for following up with me and doing your best. I don't understand it either and find it quite annoying that the site took away your entries.

Thanks for "feeling" the project - as with any type of art/music, it's all about the vibe.

I am reviewing the entries with my team and will get back to you on our selections.


12 years ago
#40 - great logo - still like the idea with the Rs. RIght now, it's basically typography. I wonder if we can make it a bit more like a logo. Meaning, it has a very modern clean feel to it, can we make it more "vintage" somehow? It needs to have an old school feel to it.

I think the color blue is a bit too modern and could change, for example. These are little things of course, but I want to see if we can make it feel a bit more "classic" - if that makes sense.

Thanks for all of your hard work.
12 years ago
Logo Designer
I will start to work on revision now.

12 years ago
Logo Designer
and color change is not a problem. I always made logos in black and white only first, if logo does not work in black and white there is no color which can make it good.
12 years ago
That makes sense about the colors so I'm not concerned about it right now. Thanks.
12 years ago
Logo Designer
Here i am with new entries.
Entry #71 and Entry #72
Sorry for delay but it took me some time to draw by hand "symbolic" part of the logo. mirrored "R" idea is still there but i have tried to make logo less modern by using slab serif font with some drawings that make owerall look more classic. I browsed image gallery from your site and concluded that look can go toward cigar and whiskey labels and fonts. I hope that this make sense.

Mirrored R's can be successfully used as standalone logo. Entry #73
12 years ago
Logo Designer
Entry #74 , Entry #75 , Entry #76 , Entry #77
Some coloring options...
12 years ago
Logo Designer
Another revisions:
Entry #84 Entry #85 Entry #86 Entry #87
12 years ago
Logo Designer
Coloring can be easily done later (just let me know which color you prefer)...
12 years ago
Logo Designer
Beside this, i would suggest to reconsider Entry #73 , Personally i like that idea more and more.
12 years ago
Logo Designer
...I mean the whole idea of using #73 separately and as part of the full logo #72
12 years ago
At the moment, I like #86 and #87 the best so far. I also like #73 but it's a little too "busy" for me. I like #86 and #87 because it's simple but still good looking and can be used in different ways.

As we move forward with the process, you are in the top 1 or 2 of designs at the moment. Now that we have established this Rs theme, I was wondering if you can put some kind of imagery behind the word. What I am thinking is that I can have a multi-purpose logo - the word (with the Rs effect) and imagery with it, and then sometimes using just the word (but the word by itself will still stand out because of the Rs and whatever color scheme we decide on).

Some of the images I have been thinking about are: a microphone stand with an old style microphone, like one of the ones they used to use in the 50s and 60s in the jazz era - if that makes sense. I wonder if you can neatly put something like that, or another image idea of your own, behind the word the way you have it in #86 and #87 right now. Does that make sense?
12 years ago
Logo Designer
i will try something...
12 years ago
Logo Designer
....mmmm... let's put some fire :)
Entry #94
12 years ago
I like the direction of #94. The fire seems to be a bit much in my opinion, but some type of effect showing the power of the microphone. Also, maybe the circle around it is too much. Something more simple, maybe showing the microphone stand as well?

Not sure, just giving you my feedback for right now. But it's going in the right direction.
12 years ago
Logo Designer
Entry #95 simple mike
Entry #96 with some scratches...
12 years ago
Let me see if I can write out my vision....

Create the microphone you have now but with a straight microphone stand. The stand should go down, behind the Correspondence word (fade out a bit behind it) and then stop below the word with the bottom of the microphone stand (as if it's sitting on the floor).

Maybe, on top of that, there is some kind of basic spotlight or lighting effect shining down (as if it's coming from the ceiling/above) over the top of the microphone that sort of illuminates the whole scene...

Does that make sense?
12 years ago
Logo Designer
i'll try..
12 years ago
Logo Designer
Like this? Entry #97
12 years ago
Logo Designer
The problem with idea with whole Microphone (with stand, and with that thing on the floor) is that height of that is to big, and it would not possible to make proportions right, with keeping details on microphone itself (it would be unrecognizable).
12 years ago
#97 is pretty good. Interesting.

The spotlight didn't work the way I wanted to, so take that out.

Try this,
- Keep the microphone like you have it, but just the microphone.
- Take out the spotlight
- Make the fade of the microphone stand and the wire closer to the word "Correspondence" (not so much black space) like it's going right behind the word.
- Take out the effects around the microphone
- Add a small circular stand at the bottom of the microphone like it's sitting flat on the floor
- Maybe make the microphone and stand a little bit smaller, but not much (not sure about this).

12 years ago
Logo Designer
does this make sense? Entry #98
12 years ago
#98 is pretty much exactly what I asked you for. I like it.

I need to check with my team and get their thoughts.

I'm sure we can do the same thing with different color schemes and do it with black on white background, etc....

What do you think about it? Anything else to add?
12 years ago
Logo Designer
Coloring is not problem. I have tried to make balance between proportions of elements and i think that is fine now. If we want to keep this simple then this is it.
12 years ago
I like #98. Only other thing could be to maybe slide the microphone and stand over to the right just a bit? Just to offset from the center just slightly. It might not work, just curious.

In the meantime, I'll talk to my team and evaluate all final designs.

Thanks for everything.
12 years ago
Logo Designer
Entry #99: added slight offset to the right with microphone (i adjusted it with N letter and now fit's better)...
12 years ago
I'm pretty sure you're going to get selected. However, I'm waiting on final feedback from a team member before I can say it officially.

A couple of things:
- Could you show me #99 reversing the black and white (white background)?
- Could you show me #99 with a couple of different color options other than red for the "R"?
- Could you show me the block with the "Rs" by itself, but instead of Rs, put the letter C? This would be used separately for things like favicons and icons for the website, etc.

If you can show me these things and also include them in the final files, that would be great.

Please let me know whether you can do this for me and I'll try to get the final decision shortly.


12 years ago
Logo Designer

No problem. I will do all of these requests. It is not much work now when we have final design.

12 years ago
Logo Designer
Entry #108 , Entry #109 , Entry #110 , Entry #111 , Entry #112 , Entry #113 , Entry #114 , Entry #115

As you requested...
12 years ago
The last requested change (from a team member) - maybe try something else with the microphone cable/cord. I don't know whether it should wrap around the mic stand or just fall a bit more naturally, or something stylistic. Not sure, just something that one of the management team requested..

Let me know if this is possible.

12 years ago
Logo Designer
Ok, I'll try something...
12 years ago
Logo Designer
Entry #116 : cable/cord fixed
12 years ago
Thanks. Looks good.

I'm ready to finalize this and select you as the winning design/designer. I'd like to use #116 as the base design, but if you could also throw in #109, that would be great.

I think we have the capability to make the color changes we need, so if the above files are in the final design package, it should be fine.

Let me know if this is all clear and I will finalize.

Thank you again.

12 years ago
Logo Designer
Ok. I agree.
12 years ago
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