Hi cezar, still really like the orange design. Can we please use the three layers as three steps. Therefore the bottom step to resemble steps/ draws in a cabinet. Where the bottom drawer is extended out further than the next and so on? Thanks.
Thank you! There is no problem, but you must rank #98 at least 5, otherwise I can't upload! Only the top 5 ranked designers are able to submit entries.
Hi cezar, no problems you are in..... If we choose you can we use all or any of your designs in various formats and colours ? The reason I ask is the black looks so spectacular but is limited in its application. We have to have a light variant for some printing/ advertising applications. I look forward to your thoughts.
Ok great thanks cezar.... Just heard back from the printers and they are saying that the spectacular blue and purple which we love so much will not print well. So it looks like variations of the solid colour logos may be the best option.. The font we have decided on will be the font in our logo choice #2. I think this font on your design 98 would be great. Can you source this font? If you can do this I would still like to see it on your design 128 also please. Cezar, this design 128 really is spectacular.....
Hi cezar, Based on that I have moved you up to #1. We are still unsure of colours. The orange looks ok but we would like some alternates please. Hopefully something a little unusual. Maybe even shades of the purple/ blue in your other designs. I will leave it up to you....
Hi Cezar, Thanks so much for your alterations. They are fantastic. We have basically decided that you are the winner. A few reasons, obviously design but i like the fact that you are probably the newest to the comp with only a few goldies under your belt.... But really your design is great. Its really the only design that has some representation of a stage. Well done. Not sure what i do from here but ill look into it. Maybe i just end the contest early and nominate the winner? I do have a couple requests. I would like to ensure at a glance that our logo represents a stage. I think one way to do this is to have a catwalk come of the front,straight out towards the viewer. Have it designed in the same format as the three level design. If i could please have 2 variations in this. 1- the catwalk with 3 levels 2 the catwalk just at the same level as the top of the stage. also here is the feedback from my printer-"Logo must be vector-based .eps format in order to blow up for truck + resize for website" Our next hard task will be choosing the colours and variations. Ill hear from you hopefully when you start your day there in a few hours?
Well done cezar.... We may ask you to do a variation of 161 in the blue and a green please. The blue in your 128 is very vibrant. The green would need to be a dark green, ideally Also the vibrant effect. If you could please also do them on the black background. But that is a really fantastic logo, you should be proud of your work. I can't wait to see the final variations, And get them printed.
Ok, it doesn't really matter which one I pick if you are giving me the files in all colours, so the designs I would like please are, Red161,163,168, 144 ( all the red ones) Green-167, 166 (all green) Blue- 165,164,141,143 Orange-140. If you are happy with that, that would be fantastic.? I will now go to the vote section and finalize you as the winner.
Ok all done, I made sure you had a few in the top ten so you get extra points??? Can I get your email address in case something goes astray? Neil@corporatestage.com.au Logo will send you an email confirming my selection. I wanted to give you first second and third to help with your medal rankings but the system won't let me, sorry I tried...
Thank you for everything! I’ll upload the final files for #166 on “LogoTournament” for your approval. The rest of them I’ll send you directly at this e-mail address. Let me know which format is best for you.