I really like #87. Can you please make the "1" more significant? It's a little understated and it's a really important part of the logo since it's part of the company name. I love how modern this logo is and really like how you incorporated the logo from our sister company "McKee Asset Management" in the "A". Can you please try a few different color variations of this same logo. Try doing a charcoal background with red Coronado and some white. Here is an example of the color pallet that I like...http://www.theagencyre.com/
Edits to make to #104: Can you please make #104's font a little thicker, as you did with the "Coronado" in number #87. Please also make the words "Property Management" pure white, as you did with #87. I want the white in "Coronado" and "Property Management" to match. I like to use of the red - you can leave that the way it is.
Can you please change entry 107 with the following edits: -Make the "A" in Coronado all red...instead of red and white. -Can you make the "A" look like the triangle logo on our website at www.mckeecompany.com. The one you currently have is very similar...but I would like to try it with our standard triangle logo. -Lastly, can you try a couple different font variations? My business partner seems to think the font is a little too futuristic. I personally like it...but perhaps a couple other modern fonts would be nice to look at.
We are almost done!
Thank you for all of your hard work. We will keep you updated.